I am super stressed b/c we are trying to find another house (we have a 2 bd and want 3) and my poor husband can't do anything right. I try really be hard to be nice but I am failing miserably. Can I blame it on hormones?
I totally just lost it on DH for taking my clean sheets out of the dryer and throwing them on the dirty- ok it's probably not that dirty- floor. He just looked at me like I was crazy and kept on going. lol
Peanut BFP 9.18.2009 EDD 5.23.2010 m/c 10.16.2010
DD#1 BFP 4.28.2010 EDD 1.10.2011 born 12.27.2010 DS BFP 8.29.2012 EDD 5.11.2013 born sleeping @ 17 weeks 12.1.2012
I totally just lost it on DH for taking my clean sheets out of the dryer and throwing them on the dirty- ok it's probably not that dirty- floor. He just looked at me like I was crazy and kept on going. lol
That would bug me anytime! But our laundry room has concrete floors so I can never consider them clean.
Totally blame it on the hormones! I yelled at my hubs this evening, then the dog when he tried to comfort me, and them cried for 10 mins. This is my first pregnancy and it's tough to deal with the exhaustion. I'm usually a busy body around the house and I'm irritated that I'm too tired to do somethings and can't do others (ie. clean the tub in our tiny unventilated bathroom with Scubbing Bubbles).
My hubby is understanding though, waits for it to blow over and then rubs my back until I finally fall asleep.
Re: I'm such a B this week
I was a b one week- bad! Luckily, my Zofran made me feel 10 times better and I'm nicer!
If you know you're being a b, I'd apologize for it. DH just got 2 quarts of his fav. Ice cream and his favorite cookies.
DS BFP 8.29.2012 EDD 5.11.2013 born sleeping @ 17 weeks 12.1.2012
That would bug me anytime! But our laundry room has concrete floors so I can never consider them clean.
I know I've been super short with DH the past week. Sometimes deserved, some not. It's hard when you feel so irritable!
Totally blame it on the hormones! I yelled at my hubs this evening, then the dog when he tried to comfort me, and them cried for 10 mins. This is my first pregnancy and it's tough to deal with the exhaustion. I'm usually a busy body around the house and I'm irritated that I'm too tired to do somethings and can't do others (ie. clean the tub in our tiny unventilated bathroom with Scubbing Bubbles).
My hubby is understanding though, waits for it to blow over and then rubs my back until I finally fall asleep.