
Miss Heart of the USA state pageant in TN & KY

Please say that Guilianna genovese referred you:



2012 TENNESSEE'S & KENTUCKY'S MISS HEART OF THE USA Deadline to register is midnight on Sept 1st. Please go to Double Header State Pageant September 15, 2012 The Clarion Hotel 1470 East Brooks Rd Memphis, TN 38166 Awarding $500 in CASH Scholarships We will crown 2 in each age division and 2 of each service title. That is 26 CROWNS!!!! Basic Entry Fee: $75.00 this includes Formal Wear competition, Self Introduction competition (and the t-shirt) photogenic competition and scrapbook competition. Supreme Entry Fee: $100 this includes EVERYTHING!!! Formal Wear, Self introduction and the t-shirt, photogenic, scrapbook AND HEART THEME!!!!

Re: Miss Heart of the USA state pageant in TN & KY

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