I just need to vent about how much I hate the weekend, especially because it's a holiday weekend. I can't get in to see my OB for my first prenatal visit until Sept 11th so in the mean time I decided to go to my family doctor to have my blood drawn so I can see what my levels are. Since it's Friday, I wont get my results back until Tuesday. Tuesday is so far away! I just want to make sure my baby is okay.I even am going to get blood drawn again Tuesday to make sure my levels have at least doubled since today's blood draw.
Even though I have to wait to go to my OB, I do know that they will give me an u/s to confirm the pregnancy before I even see the Dr. Tuesday and Sept 11th cannot come fast enough.
Re: Blood Test
GSx1 - 05/13/2013
GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!
This. My doc sent me for bloodwork yesterday morning, and told me when I signed in to put STAT next to my name. She called me yesterday afternoon with the results (which were great!). I'm going to go again tomorrow just to make sure things are progressing, so I'll probably do STAT again (although I don't know if I'll get the results because the lab's only open until noon).
Good luck!
Alright missy NO INTERNET this weekend, that's right you're grounded
... from the internet. Usually I remind myself no phone call from the doctor's office is good news. The last thing you want to do is stress your self. I had a MC at 6 wks but that was 4 years ago, since then I've given birth to a very healthy and spunky DS and I'm 8wks into my next pregnancy. Unfortunately there's really nothing you can do to avoid a MC, I've heard that avoiding caffeine can help, but it has yet to be completely proven. I know it's hard but try to keep your mind off of it. Treat your body as it is a pregnant body and eat healthy, Drink lots and lots of water and get those prenatal vitamins.
And stay off the internet