Hi ladies! I just got my BFP yesterday and I am still in shock!
My cycles had been ranging from 35-41 days and I'd been O'ing on day 20-25 so on day 16, I began my OPK's this cycle. However, on day 13-15, I had a lot of EWCM, but didn't think much of it. We BD'ed but didn't think it was "time" yet. Well, I was waiting and waiting for a positive OPK and finally started getting them around day 28, but then they didn't end. Finally, after 7 days of positive OPK's, I took a HPT and it was positive! Surprise- I had ovulated early!
My DH and I have been married for 3 months now and are extremely excited! We have a previous loss and are crossing our fingers and praying for this one.
So far, my only symptoms have been tender breasts, being exhausted, and mood swings. Can't wait to connect with everyone!
Re: Another intro!
BFP#1: 08/30/12 EDD 04/30/12 m/c 09/04/12 6wks
BFP#2: 01/27/13 EDD 10/06/13 missed m/c 02/25/13 9wks
BFP#3: 10/30/13 EDD 07/05/14 Our little dude was born on 07/10/14 @ 2:19p