1st Trimester

Re: (Untitled)

  • imageMmdurg:
    OMG i am always tired!!! Ive been sleeping on the plus side of 12 hours and then 5-6 hours later im ready for bed again!! And on the days i work i cant sleep as much so im just like a zombie half way through my shift... its frustrating! Im working full time and going to college full time... So my schedule is work sleep school sleep work etc... I feel like a bum.. Tongue Tied

    I'm exactly in the same boat. School and work. And I am soooooo friggin tired. Ugh, I just want to sleep all the time. And I feel guilty not wanting to do anything but lay down. DH hates laying around all the time and he complains about being lonely.He's getting better though.

    Every mom I know IRL tells me "laying around is what you're supposed to do".

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageMmdurg:
    OMG i am always tired!!! Ive been sleeping on the plus side of 12 hours and then 5-6 hours later im ready for bed again!! And on the days i work i cant sleep as much so im just like a zombie half way through my shift... its frustrating! Im working full time and going to college full time... So my schedule is work sleep school sleep work etc... I feel like a bum.. Tongue Tied

    I'm exactly in the same boat. School and work. And I am soooooo friggin tired. Ugh, I just want to sleep all the time. And I feel guilty not wanting to do anything but lay down. DH hates laying around all the time and he complains about being lonely.He's getting better though.

    Every mom I know IRL tells me "laying around is what you're supposed to do".

    Pregnancy Ticker
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  • Im glad im not the only one makes me feel a bit better :)
    BabyFruit Ticker
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