Pre-School and Daycare

Re: (Untitled)

  • I would invite her to pick up as a compromise.
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  • imageKathrynMD:
    I think this is a weird thing to exclude your Mother or MIL from.nbsp; Its not going to be less special b/c she's there.nbsp; All you are going to do it hurt her feelings and you'll end up feeling bad adn guilty about excluding her.nbsp; Be the bigger person, be happy she wants to be involved in her grandchildren's lives and include her.nbsp;

    My 2 girls, both born on a Friday the 13th, are exactly 2 years, 2 months, 2 hours and 2 minutes apart! And Baby Boy joined us October 11, 2013! image
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  • I'm pretty sentimental about stuff like this too and I wanted it to be just an intimate family affair.  Plus, the first day is always so chaotic, and with DS having such bad separation anxiety, it would have just made things worse to have an extra person there.  I would just ask her to join you guys on the second day.
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  • Aaah!  Please don't let her come.  As a former preschool and kindergarten teacher, the last thing any teacher wants in her classroom on the first day of school is an extra person, especially one that's trying to get a million pictures, see the bulletin boards, ask a bunch of questions, etc.

    There will be plenty of opportunities for grandma to be involved in the future.  I would suggest trying to make this day as low key as possible, and give your son the attention he needs.

  • I don't see what the big deal is.  I would love to have my mother and/or MIL come with us!  I know how much they love my DD and don't want to deny them of anything.  I could just not dream of hurting their feelings and it will forever be in the back of their mind.  Anyway, that is just the way I feel.

    If you really don't want her to come that much then maybe make a suggestion on coming with for the pick up because the morning will just be too crazy.  I think that is a reasonable excuse because it will probably be true.  Then you take everyone out for a celebratory lunch or dinner.  I think that would be fun too. 



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