1st Trimester

We saw our baby today :)

We're 8 weeks 2 days and got to see our little raspberry baby for the first time today :) Also I REALLY like our OB. She was so nice and really excited for us. I'm loving this experience 

Re: We saw our baby today :)

  • Aww congratulations! You must be so excited! I can't wait until I can see mine :) And it is wonderful that you are happy with your OB/GYN

  • Aw, that's so awesome! Glad your experience if a great one and that you got to see your LO! I can't wait for that! One more week!

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  • What could you see? What did baby look like? I'm going to be 9-10ish weeks for my first U/S and I'm so curious about what I'll be able to see!


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  • That's so exciting!!!! 
  • Hooray for babies!
  • Ongratulations! Such a great feeling! 
  • We were really surprised! We could definitely tell the head and shape of the baby, "she" turned around while we were looking and faced us and we could see "her" little arm buds sticking out. "She" looked like a gummybear! ha. Our OB printed two pictures for us, one of "her" facing the side and one in gummybear posistion. You will be sooo impressed how much yours will look like a baby at 10weeks. 
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