1st Trimester

**Vent** Is this as tacky as I think it is?

I recently had the following lovely interaction with a pregnant friend:

She had made it known she wasn't going to read any pregnancy/birth/baby books, as she felt her doctor will magically be able to tell her everything she needs to know. I kept my mouth shut (it's her pregnancy, after all), UNTIL she started talking about how her doctor dated her pregnancy wrong on the ultrasound. I asked what she meant, and she said, "Well, it says 9 weeks on my ultrasound, but I was only 7 weeks pregnant."

**No, she was not charting or tracking her ovulation. This baby was completely unplanned.**

I explained to her that most doctors and books count the two weeks before conception as part of the pregnancy. I then said the ultrasound she showed me (a perfect little jellybean) looked the same as my 9 week u/s, and that a 7-week baby looks like a flickering blob. She snapped back with:

 "I live in DC. I have access to the best technology in the country. I appreciate your advice, but you had a baby in OKLAHOMA."

 (**seething** Yes, because the private mega-hospital in Oklahoma with the hardwood floors, in-house regional level IV NICU/perinatal center, family suites, and champagne dinner after delivery, was-- in fact-- a barn with a dirt floor. The clean and professional hospital staff were actually the farmhands. How could I forget?)


That visit-- which was when I let her stay the night after she lost power in DC-- was the first time she had talked to me since she texted me about her pregnancy the day she got her BFP, and she didn't talk to me again until she heard I wasn't coming to her shower in September (I guess her mom couldn't discretely accept a "regrets only" declined invite). That started a storm of facebook and text messages.

I was up-front and told her that I was highly insulted by what she said, that not all people from Oklahoma are small-town hicks, and that I was just trying to help her understand that her trusted doctor had it right. I also said it was interesting that she didn't feel the need to talk to me for over 6 weeks until she found out I wasn't going to the shower.

The apologies/excuses abounded. She then said, "If you don't feel like seeing me at my shower, you can send the gift to my house. I really appreciate your friendship."

The chick will not leave me alone, even after I told her I think it's tacky to apologize only when a present is on the line. Blocking her and ending the friendship, which was fairly casual to begin with, seems a bit severe.

Am I right to think her behavior is tacky? I wouldn't expect a gift from anybody, let alone someone I very openly insulted in their own home.



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Re: **Vent** Is this as tacky as I think it is?

  • Tacky is far too mild a word for her behavior!  Unbelievable! 
    One of my best friends ("B") offered to be our surrogate, and we're now expecting a baby in April 2013 after two cycles of natural IUI at the Jones Institute. For medical reasons, we are not biologically related to our unborn child. Yes, I guess that makes this a "planned adoption."

    Waiting for our Miracle Baby, Carly Marie, Due April 24, 2013!

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Firstly, I wouldn't allow the ignorant comments of a person who admits to purposely remaining ignorant to effect you too much. She was being very rude, and very judgmental. It is not at all shocking that she would make ignorant statements about your state given her other views (and frankly quite an argument can be made for the lack of intelligence that runs through D.C. as well with all the politicians running around).  As for her bold as brass statement about your present, I would let that run right off my back like water off a duck.  It is up to you if you choose to remove her from you list of FB friends, frankly seeing her more than likely annoying constant updates about the state of her pregnancy would be giving me migraines with all the eye rolling I would be doing.  Remember, FB is not the real world and removing someone from your list of acquaintances is not like you have obliterated them from the face of the earth. 
    Lost but never forgotten <3 : </br> 1st BFP 2/8/06 m/c @ 12 weeks; 2nd BFP 2/9/07 w/ Clomid; DD (Monica Caroline) born 11/16/07; 3rd BFP 3/25/11 w/ injections m/c @ 5 weeks; 4th BFP 8/3/11 w/ injections diagnosed blighted ovum; 5th BFP 1/20/12 m/c @ 9 weeks; 6th BFP 4/27/12 Praying for our rainbow Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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  • imageLexiLupin:

    I am from Ohio (currently live in Oklahoma) but went to college in the DC area, and found a rather similar attitude from people who grew up in NoVa. The one I usually got was "Wait... you're from Ohio? Have you ever even, like... seen a real city before?"

    Seriously? Ohio has more people in it than VA. The Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincy metro areas are nothing to scoff at (and same for OKC and Tulsa!). Made me want to punch people. 

    Anyway, yes, your friend is being incredibly tacky (and rude). Being pregnant does not mean she is entitled to gifts from anyone, and especially not from someone who she's been so snarky and dismissive to. 


    Right? Thank you!  I'm from Tulsa! It's a very artsy-fartsy city surrounded by wealthy suburbs, not a one-stoplight farm town. Even so, the small towns all have pretty much the same medical equipment or give you referrals for "big city" doctors. I'm pretty sure that's how it is, anywhere...

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Okay, so she is clearly ignorant about some aspects of pregnancy, fine. The comment about having a baby in OK? Would have rubbed me the wrong way but I could have moved past it. But the whole send the gift to my house thing? Um, yeah, I would be moving on from her quickly. Especially since it doesn't seem like a serious, deep friendship. She has got to go! 
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers BabyFetus Ticker
  • imageLexiLupin:
    I live in Lawton, currently, so artsy-fartsy Tulsa sounds nice. :P Okay, so Lawton isn't that bad, but we were in El Paso until April (DH is military) and it's so tiny by comparison. We like to escape to Norman to get good Indian food. :-)

    Lawton isn't that bad (removed from the hustle and bustle, but not "podunk")-- and OKC has amazing food choices. I would kill somebody for good BBQ right now, but Virginia just doesn't have it "right."

     If you ever find yourself in Tulsa and love Indian food, try Desi Wok (it's Asian fusion). We make sure to go there every time we are home. :)


    Army or AF? We are out here for Navy!


    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Her behavior is quite tacky. And how foolish of her not to make use of all the information that's available to her out there! And most of it is FREE at that! Trusting her doctor to know everything is just... not a good idea.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagetinychefjackson:

    I live in Lawton, currently, so artsy-fartsy Tulsa sounds nice. :P Okay, so Lawton isn't that bad, but we were in El Paso until April (DH is military) and it's so tiny by comparison. We like to escape to Norman to get good Indian food. :-)

    Lawton isn't that bad (removed from the hustle and bustle, but not "podunk")-- and OKC has amazing food choices. I would kill somebody for good BBQ right now, but Virginia just doesn't have it "right."

     If you ever find yourself in Tulsa and love Indian food, try Desi Wok (it's Asian fusion). We make sure to go there every time we are home. :)


    Army or AF? We are out here for Navy!


     Ummm definitely tacky, on both comments! Ugh! I'm also in Tulsa :) Your description of the hospital sounds like the one I had DD in... when my friend moved to Maryland and she went to set up a bank account the lady actually asked her if people in Oklahoma lived in teepees and rode on horses everywhere.... WHAT?!  

    Peanut BFP 9.18.2009 EDD 5.23.2010 m/c 10.16.2010
    DD#1 BFP 4.28.2010 EDD 1.10.2011 born 12.27.2010
    DS BFP 8.29.2012 EDD 5.11.2013 born sleeping @ 17 weeks 12.1.2012
    DD#2 BFP 5.7.2013 EDD 1.11.2014 born 1.10.2014
    Jelly Bean BFP 2.25.2015 EDD 11.7.2015

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Pregnancy Ticker 
  • Definitely does not sound like a friend to me...sounds like...nevermind :)
    BabyFetus Ticker Just a girl from Virginia and a boy from Oregon meeting in the middle in Texas.
  • imageTinyChefJackson:
     I would kill somebody for good BBQ right now, but Virginia just doesn't have it "right.


    Hey, Hey!  Yes we do!  :D  Try Pierce's Pitt BBQ.  Now it's a drive from the beach...it's close to Williamsburg... but it's pretty yum!  Also try Frankie's Place for Ribs.  It's by the Harris Teeter on Virginia Beach Boulevard.  They made a decent sandwich.  I was born, raised, and still live in Virginia Beach.  ;)

    One of my best friends ("B") offered to be our surrogate, and we're now expecting a baby in April 2013 after two cycles of natural IUI at the Jones Institute. For medical reasons, we are not biologically related to our unborn child. Yes, I guess that makes this a "planned adoption."

    Waiting for our Miracle Baby, Carly Marie, Due April 24, 2013!

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • She doesn't sound like a very educated person. Clearly, she doesn't want to admit that she has had some part in your falling out as friends and she is not going to apologize.

    My suggestion would be to decide if you can let this pass, forget it, and move on as her friend (accept that she is flawed). If not, follow the other ladies advice and cut her out of your life.

    Since you will both be having babies around the same time, you might want to try to salvage the friendship, but ultimately it is up to you.  

    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Rude, Tacky, Immature and Ellitist are just the first few words that come to mind.
    I personally would block her and write her off, sorry, but she sounds like an ass.
    I can see her being one of those pain in the ass moms who thinks her kid does no wrong, who is "Gifted" and deserving of special treatment, and who, in general has no clue that they are raising a tiny narcissist.
    Life is too short for self important, tactless people.
    Lucky Mom to 5 girls: 09/97, 06/99, 10/02, 11/04, 04/08 & Peanut #6 due in April! Pregnancy Ticker Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Send her an idiots guide to pregnancy or better yet parenting. ha ha

    she sounds a delight.  

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Well, frankly, she just sounds like a *** (can I say that here?)

    I wouldn't WANT to be friends with her anymore - consider it a blessing and end the friendship immediately.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker   

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • imagetinychefjackson:

     "If you don't feel like seeing me at my shower, you can send the gift to my house. I really appreciate your friendship."

    Indifferent This chick sucks at life. You did the right thing unfriending her....


    Cooper Edward


  • asking you to send her a gift when and skip the shower is yes, very tacky.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • Wow, do you think she is gift-grabby much? "If you can't make it then just mail the gift"!!!!!

    Now... I have issues with my SIL and in this case I would be spiteful and send a VERY nice gift, but for a casual friendship I'd say send a SMALL gift - like a gift card by mail. no reason to pay shipping for someone as tacky as that...

    Doesn't sound like she was a good friend to begin with given the attitude she has...

    GL - so sorry that you have to worry over something as petty as this...

    Pregnancy Ticker PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Perhaps, as your gift, you can send her a copy of the Mayo Clinic Guide to Pregnancy.

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  • imageLexiLupin:
    I live in Lawton, currently, so artsy-fartsy Tulsa sounds nice. :P Okay, so Lawton isn't that bad, but we were in El Paso until April (DH is military) and it's so tiny by comparison. We like to escape to Norman to get good Indian food. :-)

      I lived in Lawton, when I was in high school, my dad was in the Army, stationed at Ft. Sill. I actually loved living there, loved the people and the mountains and Whataburger. I've only been back once to visit, a couple of years ago, to stay with a friend after she had her first baby.  

  • Yup. it's tacky.  I'd cut her loose.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • So she won't read any books on the subject, because she thinks her doctor will tell her everything she needs to know, but then DOESN'T believe what the doctor says?  My friend told me about a girl she knew who told everyone that she "must've gotten pregnant during her period" because of the way the doctor calculated the EDD.  When my friend tried to explain that the 40 weeks is from the date of the last period, she couldn't wrap her brain around that.

    As far as the friendship goes, I think I'd cut my losses on this one.  Throwing that kind of an insult in your face and then trying to get a gift out of you is awful practice.  Maybe you should tell her that in your "hokey" little town they don't have baby gifts like big city folk.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • imagetsharon:

     I would kill somebody for good BBQ right now, but Virginia just doesn't have it "right.


    Hey, Hey!  Yes we do!  :D  Try Pierce's Pitt BBQ.  Now it's a drive from the beach...it's close to Williamsburg... but it's pretty yum!  Also try Frankie's Place for Ribs.  It's by the Harris Teeter on Virginia Beach Boulevard.  They made a decent sandwich.  I was born, raised, and still live in Virginia Beach.  ;)



    Haha, I will give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion. ;-)

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • imageSaraSmile19:

    So she won't read any books on the subject, because she thinks her doctor will tell her everything she needs to know, but then DOESN'T believe what the doctor says?  My friend told me about a girl she knew who told everyone that she "must've gotten pregnant during her period" because of the way the doctor calculated the EDD.  When my friend tried to explain that the 40 weeks is from the date of the last period, she couldn't wrap her brain around that.

    As far as the friendship goes, I think I'd cut my losses on this one.  Throwing that kind of an insult in your face and then trying to get a gift out of you is awful practice.  Maybe you should tell her that in your "hokey" little town they don't have baby gifts like big city folk.


    She's very much of the mindset "nobody told our parents what to do."  She has also expressed her disapproval of the hospital's requiring her to have an infant car seat to take baby home, as she thinks it is none of their business what she does with her baby. She thinks car seats are unnecessary, as she "turned out fine" (debatable, I know) without one. I fear for the child, honestly.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • she seems nice
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Tacky, yes. But good on you for being as honest as you were when she finally decided to speak to you again!

    That's so inspiring.  It seems so easy to just "tell it like it is" but in reality, it's always a lot easier to pretend nothing's the matter and just brush things like that under the rug.

    Way to go! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Totally tacky..but I have realized that women tend to get really opiononated  When pregnant and some people think they know everything and no matter what advice you have or give, it doesn't matter...I don't know if it's a jealous thing or what...but I have experienced this many times.....,I try to just keep to my self and let them figure things out......

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers After years of struggling with infertility issues (PCOS since I was 16) and 15 medicated cycles we finally got blessed with our son. We got lucky with our 7th IUI using stims...Now we are back on the roller coaster to try for another miracle..IVF cycle in May resulted in a chemical pregnancy. 2 snowbabies FET 7/16-transferred 2 blastocyst...Faint bfp 4dp5dt! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagemarkhamgurl:

    Tacky, yes. But good on you for being as honest as you were when she finally decided to speak to you again!

    That's so inspiring.  It seems so easy to just "tell it like it is" but in reality, it's always a lot easier to pretend nothing's the matter and just brush things like that under the rug.

    Way to go! 


    Thanks. :)  In our journey through the trimester on TB, it will become very evident that I am blunt (not mean, just honest). No, it's not my being brave behind a screen name... I just tell it how it is, and I call bullsh*t when I see it. ;-)

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • She sounds like a gem! Her actions are INSANELY tacky.

    Btw, I'm from the DC area - I hope you don't think all of us are like that!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • imagevaness1229:

    She sounds like a gem! Her actions are INSANELY tacky.

    Btw, I'm from the DC area - I hope you don't think all of us are like that!


    Not at all. There are classy and trashy people from everywhere. She's from Virginia Beach, which is quite country, actually. Her elitist attitude has come up since she married what she describes as "a very successful film producer and editor" who lets her stay at home and not work. He shoots and edits commercials for non-profits in DC. Something tells me that falls short of an Oscar. Honorable? Yes. Elite? No.

    I know not all you fancy big city folks are snotty, just like we country bumpkins have us some K-L-A-S-S. ;-)

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • She's crazy out of her mind if she thinks you owe her anything. I would block her and move on, especially since you said she won't leave you alone.
  • imagetinychefjackson:

    I recently had the following lovely interaction with a pregnant friend:

    She had made it known she wasn't going to read any pregnancy/birth/baby books, as she felt her doctor will magically be able to tell her everything she needs to know. I kept my mouth shut (it's her pregnancy, after all), UNTIL she started talking about how her doctor dated her pregnancy wrong on the ultrasound. I asked what she meant, and she said, "Well, it says 9 weeks on my ultrasound, but I was only 7 weeks pregnant."

    **No, she was not charting or tracking her ovulation. This baby was completely unplanned.**

    I explained to her that most doctors and books count the two weeks before conception as part of the pregnancy. I then said the ultrasound she showed me (a perfect little jellybean) looked the same as my 9 week u/s, and that a 7-week baby looks like a flickering blob. She snapped back with:

     "I live in DC. I have access to the best technology in the country. I appreciate your advice, but you had a baby in OKLAHOMA."

     (**seething** Yes, because the private mega-hospital in Oklahoma with the hardwood floors, in-house regional level IV NICU/perinatal center, family suites, and champagne dinner after delivery, was-- in fact-- a barn with a dirt floor. The clean and professional hospital staff were actually the farmhands. How could I forget?)


    That visit-- which was when I let her stay the night after she lost power in DC-- was the first time she had talked to me since she texted me about her pregnancy the day she got her BFP, and she didn't talk to me again until she heard I wasn't coming to her shower in September (I guess her mom couldn't discretely accept a "regrets only" declined invite). That started a storm of facebook and text messages.

    I was up-front and told her that I was highly insulted by what she said, that not all people from Oklahoma are small-town hicks, and that I was just trying to help her understand that her trusted doctor had it right. I also said it was interesting that she didn't feel the need to talk to me for over 6 weeks until she found out I wasn't going to the shower.

    The apologies/excuses abounded. She then said, "If you don't feel like seeing me at my shower, you can send the gift to my house. I really appreciate your friendship."

    The chick will not leave me alone, even after I told her I think it's tacky to apologize only when a present is on the line. Blocking her and ending the friendship, which was fairly casual to begin with, seems a bit severe.

    Am I right to think her behavior is tacky? I wouldn't expect a gift from anybody, let alone someone I very openly insulted in their own home.






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