Hello all, I dont know where to post this so I'll do it here...while on vacation yesterday I received a call from the nurse at the hospital saying my blood work showed that I was screened high risk for Trisomy 18. She said the next step would be to do a amnio to either confirm or disprove this screening. I am 32 and this is my 2nd pregnancy. My 1st pregnancy was completely healthy but unfortunately my daughter passed away at 8 months old due to PPHN. I completely broke down when I heard this but after I got a grip I did some research on the internet and found that 11% of positive high risk actually was a true positive. The nurse made sure to reiterate that this was NOT a diagnosis but only a screening. I am still somewhat fearful. I do NOT was to do an amnio because of the risk. Has anyone else gone through this? Any ideas or suggestions?
There are now blood tests for Trisomy 18, I believe. MaterniT21, if I remember correctly? you may need to pay more out of pocket or travel to get it done, but it doesn't carry the same risk as amnio, so worth looking into.
You might be able to ask 2nd Tri or 3rd Tri for women who have been there.
T&P for you.
This happens to 2 of my friends and they both went ahead with the amino. Both found out there baby's were perfectly healthy ....
I came back high-risk with DD (1:56). Our amnio was negative. The screen is not a diagnosis. I was only 20, so age has little to do with the screening results. False "positives" are really common.
We chose to go ahead with the amnio because we wanted to know for sure. We probably wouldn't have terminated with a positive, but we would have been prepared to lose the child (no baby shower, no set-up nursery, etc.).
On the bright side, we got complete peace of mind and found out-- for sure-- what sex the baby was.
Good luck with everything!