1st Trimester

NOT Exhausted?

Is anyone not totally exhausted? With my son, I could barley keep my eyes open. Ths go around, I have a decent amount if energy....I'm worried that it is a bad sign.

Re: NOT Exhausted?

  • It depends on the day for me. I had a week or two of exhaustion, then I was fine for 3-4 weeks, now I'm starting being exhausted again. Symptoms come and go, maybe it just hasn't hit you yet. I'm sure everything's fine!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • **raises hand** i'm totally exhausted.....    Crying
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  • In the monring and during the day I am so freaking tired but then I get a second wind at home in the evenings.....It is so hard to get out of bed and I am ready to get back in bed by 1:00p.m. lol
    BabyFruit TickerBabyFetus TickerIAmPregnant Ticker
  • I am exhausted and jealous.
  • My body gets physically tired easily, but I have not been exhausted at all.  In fact, I have been sleeping horribly ever since I got pregnant and haven't been getting more than 3-4 hours of totally restless sleep a night.  I would KILL to be exhausted to the point of being able to sleep whenever I want! 

    Like I said, if I do something physically (go on a walk, gym, etc.) my body gets tired and I get dizzy sometimes but I never get tired to the point where I can sleep.  I hope this changes, I would love to get some good sleep sometime before the baby gets here! 

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  • I never felt tired with this pregnancy early on. Into the second trimester I started to feel sluggish but found out I had become anemic. But after taking a supplement for a few weeks I was back to normal. Its fine if you don't feel tired all the time. Consider yourself lucky. :)
  • I have been a little tired here and there but not exhausted by any means.  So far, we have had 2 u/s and all looks good.  I am hoping things continue to progress and my lack of pregnancy signs doesn't correlate with anything negative. 

    Good luck!

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  • I have been pretty tired as well but it seems to come and go. This morning I could barely function getting ready for work, and now I feel fine!
  • imageAKWinterBride:

    My body gets physically tired easily, but I have not been exhausted at all.  In fact, I have been sleeping horribly ever since I got pregnant and haven't been getting more than 3-4 hours of totally restless sleep a night.  I would KILL to be exhausted to the point of being able to sleep whenever I want! 

    Like I said, if I do something physically (go on a walk, gym, etc.) my body gets tired and I get dizzy sometimes but I never get tired to the point where I can sleep.  I hope this changes, I would love to get some good sleep sometime before the baby gets here! 

    ugh. This is me, exactly. I was this way when I was pregnant with my daughter as well.

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I am sooooo tired. But it doesn't help that school started this week, so I have to get used to being on my feet teaching all day again.


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