1st Trimester

Can anyone help me understand my 6.5 and 8.5 week ultrasound pictures?

Hi everyone,

I was in such a rush at my last ultrasound appointment that I completely didn't even notice this, and my next appointment isn't for another month... 

In my 6 week ultrasound, the baby looks like he/she is on the bottom right of the picture, with the head on the left side.  And then on my 8.5 week ultrasound, it looks like the baby flipped around and the head is on the right side.  Does anyone know if that can happen (or maybe the ultrasound took the pictures from a different perspectice)?  Both ultrasounds were transvaginal, but the black area in the 6.5 week one looks like an upside-down kidney bean, and the 8.5 week one looks right side up to me.  I'm guessing that's the uterus, but I'm unsure.

Also, does anyone know how to locate the umbilical cord, placenta, etc?  All i really see are some blobs of white.  Lol!  Thanks in advance to anyone who can help - I'm completely new at this and have no clue what I'm looking at:)  That, and am completely amazed at how much things can change in only 2 weeks.

6.5 week:


8.5 week:


Re: Can anyone help me understand my 6.5 and 8.5 week ultrasound pictures?

  • the baby is moves all around or it could be a different angle.   with my son I went for an ultrasound every 2 weeks. its amazing how much they change.  he was doing flips at 10 weeks.

     I dont really pay attention to ultrasound pics in the beginning. I really cant make out alot. but the tech knows all looks good thats good enough for me.


    Suzanne & Pasquale 9/9/07
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  • At 6.5 weeks there isn't really a "head" yet.  The baby is still a mass of cells and nothing is distinguished.
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  • baby doesn't stay in the same position for 9 months. lol. If they have the space, the move all around, do somersaults, flips and so on. We got to watch our first DD do a full 360 degree turn around during our 4D elective ultrasound to find out the gender at 16 weeks. Took her a good 30 mins but she was really moving around. lol Probably due to the tea I had drank prior to the visit. So yeah, when they are super tiny like that, they are gonna move. Its practice for them and helps to build muscle and muscle control.
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  • Don't worry. Your baby will be moving until it's time to come out.  You actually get to feel them kick, and eventually you might even get to see it from the outside.
  • At 6 weeks, your baby resembles a shrimp. Everything is pieced together, the head it the "thicker" portion of the baby.. but it's extremely hard to distinguish in an ultrasound.

    And throughout your whole pregnancy, your baby will change positions. It will roll side to side, completely flip, present head down, present head up, lay on your left, lay on your right, face your stomach, face your back, etc. It is literally all over the place. The smaller they are, the more room they have to swim, flip, etc.. the more they move.

    *Julie* Wife to Micheal and mama of 5, soon to be 6!* Pregnancy Ticker
  • Thanks ladies for all the help!!  Now these pictures make a whole lot more sense to me.
  • imagePandasMama0626:
    baby doesn't stay in the same position for 9 months.

    um, yeah....the baby moves all around

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  • Yes, your baby can move around. Is this a serious question?


    Jacob, 1/14/13
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