1st Trimester

When will I know the gender?

when are you able to see the baby's gender? I have an appt  at 12wks and I was wondering if my OB will be able to tell the sex!
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Re: When will I know the gender?

  • Not until at least 18-20 weeks. My midwife doesn't even do an ultrasound until then.
  • Pretty sure it's not til 20. :( I'm dying to know too!
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  • They will only do a select handful of sonos and usually they will tell you the sex at the anatomy sonogram of your baby. So mostly is based on when you're scheduled to come in. I happened to be scheduled early so I found out at 16 weeks. But usually its later between 18-20. You can have an elective sono but they aren't as accurate.
  • Unless you get certain genetic tests, you generally won't find out the gender until about 18+ weeks.


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  • You ladies are patient!! I found out at 15w0d last pg. I went and got a 3D gender reveal  u/s and paid about $75. Well worth it! I also have an U/S at 12 weeks, but I dont think my doc will confirm anything. I'll be making another gender reveal appt!
  • With my first 4 kids, I was between 16 - 20 weeks when we had the u/s that revealed their gender. With my 5th, and this is pretty rare, the perinatologist told us that he was totally positive we were having a girl at my 12 week NT scan. I was skeptical, so I didn't run out & start buying pink and bows, but he did indeed end up being correct. The same perinatologist told my sister she was having twin girls at her 12 wk NT scan, and he was correct again. However, like I said.. that seems to be pretty rare and even in the event that they do tell you they are certain, due to the fact that both girls and boys genitalia is "external" at that point (it resembles a penis, whether it's a boy or a girl.. it's all in the angle it's pointing, which is what they go off of) I wouldn't put TOO much faith into what they say.
    *Julie* Wife to Micheal and mama of 5, soon to be 6!* Pregnancy Ticker
  • If you get really lucky with how the baby is positioned and if it's cooperating, you can find out around 13 weeks.  That's best case scenario though.  We found out with DD around 14 weeks, but didn't buy anything until after gender was confirmed at 20 weeks at the anatomy scan.
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  • sometime after 16 weeks
    TTC since June 2010
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    Lilypie - (hlC0)
  • Guys this is the bump. You find out the sex at the anatomy scan at 18 to 20 weeks but the gender remains a mystery until you get to know your child.
  • If you have an NT scan/ultrasound around 12/13 weeks, sometimes the technician can harbor a guess at what they see. Ours asked if we wanted to know, and we said yes, and she told us not to paint the room yet, but at 12 weeks she said it was a boy. She was right, and they confirmed it at the 20 week ultrasound. It's not supposed to be very accurate at 12/13 weeks, and we didn't tell anyone until they confirmed it at 20 weeks, but it's fun to get a "maybe" that early!
    carrie ~ me-at-carrie.cc ~ 4/21/2007
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  • The sex organs don't even become visible until around 12 weeks and even then it's not 100% because the fetus is so small. And most people don't find out until their anatomy scan when everything is bigger and more visible which is done around 20 weeks.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My anatomy appointment is 18 weeks 2 days. I seriously cannot wait!!! I've thought about the 16 week 3 D one but I don't know if hubby will go for spending the extra money. :/ 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • some techs will give you a guess at 12 weeks, but at that point, I wouldn't go buying anything gender specific.  We found out at 15 weeks last time and it was clear that he was a boy...most people don't find out until 18-20 weeks when they have their anatomy scan. 
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