does your nanny drive LO anywhere?
We have a park and a strip mall (walmart, sears, trader joes, old navy, restaurants, etc) within walking distance so they go out every day.
But I'm starting to notice that LO needs interaction with other kids her age because she is only ever around me, DH or the nanny.
We're considering having the nanny drive LO to the library for story time.
What activities outside of the house does your nanny do with LO?
Re: those that have a nanny
Other outings: swimming, local community league playgroup, informal home playgroup.
In some cases I used a nanny car and in other cases I babywore and we used public transit.
Our nanny drives to the park, to library story time, and story time at Barnes and Nobles.
I think we might start a music class at Gymboree soon so he gets more interaction with kids his own age.