Eco-Friendly Family


Hi again ladies, 


I was curious (I'm so sorry if this post is frequent, however I didn't find one scanning a few pages back) what is your favorite baby carrier.

I know there is a lot of baby wearing mamas here so I thought I'd come to the best source of information. I'm strongly considering an ergo but wanted to check here first!

Thanks girls.  


Married: 7.09 
Avery: 7.11 
Molly: 7.13

Re: Carrier

  • I love my ergo.  The only complaint that I have is that I can't wear DD facing outwards in it.  But I LOVE that I can wear her on my back or front, and even at almost a year old, I'm still comfortable wearing her for quite a while in it.

    I also have a Moby, which I really loved when she was tiny, but I haven't used it in months.

    Finally, I have a ring sling that a friend got for me in Mexico (I have no idea of the brand, if there is one, I think she bought it at a Mexican bazaar or something), and I really like it for hip carries for short periods of time, but DD is just too heavy to be comfortable that way for too long.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have a brown "Born Free" Moby, but I really want to get something lighter weight to have for warmer weather, as well as an Ergo or Beco. If this is your first baby and you are planning on having more, don't feel bad about investing money into a few different baby carriers to meet the needs of different situations. Most baby carriers are $50-150, a small price to pay for hours of snuggling through the grocery store, venturing on a hike, etc. I definitely feel my son is much more aware of his surroundings and more independent as a 12 month old because of baby wearing than some of his peers who were kept in infant carriers and strollers from Day 1!

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  • ergo, becco and a ring sling for me! Sometimes use the bjorn for forward facing or quick outings.

    I hated the moby, pocket sling and babyhawk.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I got a lillebaby organic on babysteals for $50.  They are on amazon for $120...might be worth watching for, they have repeat items sometimes. 


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I originally bought the organic Baby K'tan, but it just didn't fit right.  They run very big so I would keep that in mind.  I then purchased the Baby Bjorn and love it!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We started out with the moby and that was ok.  When DS was older, I got the Becco and LOVED it.  You can have baby facing in, out, hip and on your back. In addition it is good up until 40 lbs.  I;m not sure if they all are, but mine is made out of organic cotton.


    Good luck in finding the perfect carrier for you! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I used the Baby K'Tan for the first couple months with DS. Loved it, although we had a hot summer and he sometimes got very hot. I also have the Ergo, which I LOVE and I used it with the infant insert until he was able to hold his head up.
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