Does anyone else get a shooting pain in their abdomen when you move too quickly from a sitting position to a standing one? Is this normal? I'm only six weeks and I want to make sure I'm not hurting the baby! Thanks
BFP#1- 08/18/2012. MMC; D/C- 09/26/2012
BFP #2- 04/30/2013. Due 01/06/2014.
It's a BOY!-U/S 07/20/2013
A/S shows healthy baby with heartbeat of 138BPM- 08/20/2013
01/01/14- DS Born 5:54 am weight: 7lb, 14oz
Re: Pain in abdomen when I stand up too fast!
I have that sometimes on the sides (near my ovaries). Everything is moving around and stretching in there
Not alone...and from what I have been feeling I am calling it normal. When I move to quickly, particularly my lower half, such as kicking a leg up or out to give me some momentum to get up from a laying position, I get the same prick of pain. Only for a moment and then it subsides. I have figured that it is a ligament or muscle strain...especially since they are already strained as it is from all the stretching and growing.
BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
BFP 8/26/11- Missed miscarriage discovered 10/19/11 at 11w2d, measured at 9 weeks gestation w/ no HB. D&C 10/21/11
BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12
BFP 4/23/12 at 10dpo Stick my little one! Beta #1: 83.3 @ 13dpo Beta #2: 197.7 @ 15dpo
Our little man is getting bigger every day!
My BFP Chart
Yup! Sometimes I just have to bend at the waist when i'm getting up and then slowly straighten up.
Glad to hear it's normal. I hope you are feeling better!!