Hi, I am new here and my husband and I just found out we are pregnant! I took an EPT test on Saturday night after missing the start of my period. My last period started on July 28th so I am about 4 weeks. What do I do from here? DH and I have decided we are not going to spread the word yet we want to get through the first critical weeks first. But I am not sure if I should be contacting a DR or not yet? I have been taking prenatal vitamins for a little over a month now since we were TTC so I have that part covered.
Thanks in advance,
Re: Positive Results... now what
DS: 10/11/14
YAAAY! Yes, you are right on the spot with the prenatals...so really the big thing is to make your appointment. They will most likely set it for your 8-9th week wherethey will do BW and an US and go over history etc.
Other than that...figure out the foods you are and are not allowed to eat/foods that should be kept to a minimum. Certain fish, like Tuna, you are only supposed to have so many ounces per week due to mercury. Things like that.
Getting on here was a great idea and other than that maybe buy a book, what to expect when you are expecting has already relaxed some of my initial worries and answered a bunch of my questions and I have hardly read much of it.
I agree with PP about getting books... that was the second thing I did after calling my OB to set up my first appointment! (I had already been on prenatals for 6-ish months).
I got the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, which is informative and has pics of the baby at different stages. My favorite book, though, was The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy by Vickie Iovine. I read it in just a few days, so funny and helped get me excited about my pregnancy! Except the last chapter, which freaked me out and made me cry about having big brown nips and a loose va-jay-jay haha.
Nov siggy challenge: animals eating Thanksgiving food
Rhys - born 04.17.2013
Harry - born 04.18.2016