I am approximately 5 weeks along and I just booked my first doctors appointment for September 20. Can anyone tell me what to expect...I'm really kind of nervous even though it's almost a month away. Any advice or stories would be helpful. Thanks!

Just a girl from Virginia and a boy from Oregon meeting in the middle in Texas.
Re: My first doctors appointment
Your first appt is usually a lot of history and for my 1st I got to hear his heart beat ondoppler. Of ourselves there is blood pressure and the peeing in a cup you will have to do at every visit. Some will have a pap smear done of that's not up to date. Some docs are different but that was my experience with my first and for DH and myself hearing the heartbt was the most beautiful sound.
At my first appointment, the very first thing I do is obviously fill out all the contact & insurance info. The u/s tech then comes and gets me to do a "dating/viability" scan. This is a transvaginal ultrasound, they will stick a little "wand" in your vagina to get a good look at the baby. It doesn't hurt, but it can get a little uncomfortable when they move it to the right & left to check your ovaries. After that, she sends me back to the waiting room with a clipboard and giant stack of "medical" history forms. I fill those out, give them to the receptionist, and wait to be called back for the appointment.
Once called back, I am weighed and then I leave my urine sample for them to check for protein, signs of infection, etc. (Unless I have to go beforehand, then I tell them and they send me back to go ahead & pee.) I go to the exam room, they check my blood pressure and then I get to wait for my midwife to come in. She comes in, we go over more medical history, she gives me a giant bag full of pregnancy info & goodies, we go over the "this & that," "what's okay, what to avoid," etc of pregnancy. If I am not up to date on my pap, she will tell me to be prepared to have that done at my next appointment. Once we're done talking, she sends me to the lab which is right next door and they draw a couple vials of blood for all the OB blood work.
Obviously all practices do it different... but for the most part, just expect lots of information & paperwork.
I appreciate the response. I'm not real sure what an U/S is but they didn't say anything about it.
PS: the little boy is sooo cute!