This is my first pregnancy, i'm 7 weeks and couldn't get an ob appt until week 10, so I haven't gotten to ask the Dr. any questions. If there is anything safe I can take for a headache?
Ditto pp - also, if the Tylenol doesn't do it, drink some coke along with it. A little bit of caffeine helps.
Also, one of my friends pointed out that drinking lots and lots of water helps to keep the headaches at bay. I notice when I don't drink enough, I end up with a headache.
I have been getting a lot of bad headaches the past few weeks . My doctor said it is common during first trimester. dr said it is perfectly safe to take two Tylenol and to take them as soon as I feel the headache coming on. Don't wait til it gets out of control. That made me feel a lot better bout taking it!
Ditto pp - also, if the Tylenol doesn't do it, drink some coke along with it. A little bit of caffeine helps.
Also, one of my friends pointed out that drinking lots and lots of water helps to keep the headaches at bay. I notice when I don't drink enough, I end up with a headache.
Ditto the caffeine with the tylenol. It works pretty well.
Re: Can I take anything for a headache?
Thanks so much!
Ditto pp - also, if the Tylenol doesn't do it, drink some coke along with it. A little bit of caffeine helps.
Also, one of my friends pointed out that drinking lots and lots of water helps to keep the headaches at bay. I notice when I don't drink enough, I end up with a headache.
Ditto the caffeine with the tylenol. It works pretty well.