Hi everyone,
I've been around the knot/nest/bump for years but I'm not a regular poster. I get on daily and lurk and ask questions/comment when something crosses my mind. I have a 2 1/2 year old DS and I have mainly been on the Toddlers board for a while now.
Last May, I had an oops pregnancy that ended in miscarriage a week later.
This is our first month trying for #2 and I got a BFP last night and another this morning. We are super excited to add to our family. I think my due date is April 22nd. We don't chart or anything. I have a very regular cycle but I could be off by a few days.
We ordered an "Only Child Expires April 2013" shirt for my DS to wear when we decide to announce. With DS we announced right away because I ended up in the hospital for dehydration a few days after finding out. I had terrible HG the whole pregnancy.
I think I'm about 6 weeks now and we want to wait to tell everyone until 12 weeks or so. So far no sickness, knock on wood. Lots of tiredness and sore abs/cramp-like. I'm a bit nervous since last time I had a successful pregnancy I was super sick.
No real question at this point. Just wanted to introduce myself since a lot of people feel like that's a big deal. I'll pop in and out and offer advice to first timers.
Good luck to everyone. H & H 9 months to you all.
Re: Intro- BFP
Nov siggy challenge: animals eating Thanksgiving food
Rhys - born 04.17.2013
Harry - born 04.18.2016