1st Trimester

miscarriage on the mind

My husband and I recently found out that we are pregnant and expecting our first child around the end of April.
Our first OB appointment is scheduled for Friday!
Lately I've been experiencing some cramping in my lower abdomen. After doing some research and talking with other momstobe, I learned that this is completely normal at this point in our pregnancy.
However, my excitement for our first child has quickly been taken over by fear and worry. This early in our pregnancy, I don't feel different or even pregnant so I can't stop thinking about if we have a miscarriage or of the baby isn't viable or doesn't implant in my uterus.
Is this normal? Have any new moms or moms to be experienced this? When will I 'feel pregnant'?

Re: miscarriage on the mind

  • Just. Because you don't feel pregnant don't mean anything, I don't ms at all and consider myself very lucky. When I found out I was pregnant I didn't have any signs other then a missed period. Im sure here soon signs will start popping up. Before I knew it my face would break out and food no longer sounded good. Its normal to us to worry about having a ms. This is my first pregnancy and that's all I worried about until I went for my first us. You can only do so much and hope for the best, the rest is out of your hands. I hope you have a full term healthy pregnancy. Good luck and congrats!
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  • imagemamamahaffey:
    My husband and I recently found out that we are pregnant and expecting our first child around the end of April. Our first OB appointment is scheduled for Friday! Lately I've been experiencing some cramping in my lower abdomen. After doing some research and talking with other momstobe, I learned that this is completely normal at this point in our pregnancy. However, my excitement for our first child has quickly been taken over by fear and worry. This early in our pregnancy, I don't feel different or even pregnant so I can't stop thinking about if we have a miscarriage or of the baby isn't viable or doesn't implant in my uterus. Is this normal? Have any new moms or moms to be experienced this? When will I 'feel pregnant'?

    as long as your not cramping and bleeding you should be fine!  

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  • I felt the same way!!  The only symptoms I had when I got my BFP was sore boobs and some cramping, which I thought was early period symptoms!  After a few days I started getting heartburn and some nausea when I didn't eat, but I know I'll feel better after my appt!
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  • After a trip to the ER, and what they considered "low" hcg levels, I'm nervous also. I don't feel pregnant. I have cramps, and that about it. I just try to remind myself that I had no symptoms with my DD either, usually that eases my mind until I start freaking out again. I just really want my first appt to hurry up, and maybe even get an u/s done soon. Hang in there!
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  • Totally normal. Both the cramping and your concern for a miscarriage. I'm about 5 weeks with baby #2 and I still worry about it, even though I've been through this once before and I like to think I'm worrying less than the first time around. It's totally normal to worry. It helps me to just remember that as long as I'm taking care of myself properly and doing what I think is right to grow a baby, there isn't much more I can do. If I were to miscarriage, it is out of my control. As for not feeling pregnant, I don't feel like it right now either. However, with my DS, it was like someone flipped a light switch at 6 weeks, 2 days and I was nauseous and had many classic pregnancy symptoms. Every pregnancy is different, but you are still early so it's likely you'll feel it soon. Keep calm!
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  • I feel the same way! I'm in my first tri as well, due at the end of April (will find out for sure on Wed). I have a lot of cramping, but no bleeding. I have been reading a lot about it and hear it is very normal. It is just changes in your uterus. I'm trying not to let myself worry too much yet.
  • I felt this way for a couple weeks after I got my BFP... I had very few symptoms (just some sore boobs and cramping, which could be PMS symptoms as well), and I didn't FEEL pregnant. I couldn't really believe that I actually was. Fastforward a few weeks and morning sickness has really set in. I feel nauseated almost all the time. I no longer doubt my pregnancy so much, and I am less worried about miscarriage because it feels pretty real now! I know it could still happen,  but my symptoms help make my pregnancy feel more "real/solid" I guess. However... morning sickness SUCKS a lot. Try to relax, read a pregnancy book (NOT a scary one like What to Expect), look at cute nurseries on pinterest, go for walks with your husband, and stay healthy and in a positive mindset... hopefully you'll feel better about things as your pregnancy progresses!


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  • First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting this! I have been feeling the EXACT same way and it makes me feel so good to know that I'm not the only one going through this. I'm at 6 weeks and I'm basically just experiencing sore boobs and a missed period (well and a BFP, of course!) Stay strong, hang in there. :) Maybe we'll be a couple of the lucky ones who don't get too sick during our pregnancies! (wishful thinking, I know, but it's possible!)

    image image image 


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  • It is totally normal for you to be nervous, for you to have mild cramping as your only symptom, and to not feel pregnant yet.  Honestly no matter how much you analyze your symptoms, there will be no way to know whether you have miscarried.  You can have symptoms and miscarry, you can have no symptoms and miscarry. I spent a lot of nights worrying myself sick before I came to that realization, and it still didn't stop me from worrying.

    Please, please try to take it one day at a time.  As you reach various milestones, you will gain confidence,  and won't worry as much as time goes by.  But, there may always be a slight lingering fear in the back of your head.

    Good luck to you. 

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