1st Trimester

just wanted to update

Some of you may have read my post last night about spotting. I drank water, put my feet up, and prayed. I have had no spotting at all today. Hopefully everything is fine. Thanks for all the posts about spotting, you eased my mind a little.

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Re: just wanted to update

  • I've only spotted once, but I was completely scared and freaked out when it happens. Hope everything goes well with your pregnancy!!


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  • thanks for the response. Was your spotting light pink? I didn't get super scared until I saw a tiny bit of bright red. So far today...nothing. I don't ever wanna see red again ugh!

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  • That's great! Wonderful news...spotting is normal in first tri as long as its not red.
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  • I don't know if anyone shared any experience with bright red spotting that turned out to be normal but it happened to me. I spotted light pink a lot and bright red once, and I have no idea how much exactly but more than I was comfortable with. My bleeding was from my cervix so things like sex and bowel movements made it worse, once I got past 12-13 weeks it stopped completely thank god, it was unnerving even after they told me it was just from my cervix. Spotting has definitely been the least favorite thing about pregnancy for me so far! Hope everything continues back to normal for you! :)
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