Hey there everyone. After reading a few other posts about morning sickness I've realized that what I'm experiencing is a little extreme I think. I am nauseated at all times unless I am actively eating and it's been this way since BFP at 3 weeks 5 days.. In addition to my all-day-long sickness I can honestly say that I am ticking every box of every pregnancy symptom from heartburn to sore boobs (I've gained almost a cup size in a week!).
I'm 5 weeks today (after charting very diligently so I think my dates are right on) and I'm starting to wonder if there isn't more than one baby in there. My fiance is a twin himself though he is fraternal and that shouldn't affect my chances of having twins right?
Any mommies of multiples out there with insight? Not due to go to the doctor for 4 more weeks.
Re: ummm. twins?
I have similar symptoms to you. On top of that, I got a fairly early bfp on a digi. With a history of twins on my side, I was very relieved when they told me there's just one healthy baby in there!!! I'm sick all the time and was very early on, sore boobs, lots of cramping, constipated, the works.
I'm pretty positive twins on the guys side don't matter, but I'm no expert
GL either way!!!
Everyone's bodies react differently to the hormones in pregnancy, so the onset or intensity of symptoms varies from woman to woman (and even pregnancy to pregnancy within the same woman) and is not a real indication of how many babies there are.
Fraternal twins means that the mother ovulated two eggs the same month, both of which were fertilized and implanted. If this happened to your mother, then you would have an increased chance, but your husband and his mother have no bearing on your likelihood of releasing two eggs. Identical twins are completely random and they have not found any genetic reason (even if you have some in your family) to make you more or less likely to have them.
Nov siggy challenge: animals eating Thanksgiving food
Rhys - born 04.17.2013
Harry - born 04.18.2016
It might be twins but I was very much the same way when I was pregnant with my son. It's actually the reason I tested. I was a little over 6 weeks when I found out I was pregnant and experiencing constant morning sickness and every other pregnancy symptom in the book.
For most folks it gets better when you hit the second trimester. Good Luck!
This is my 6th pregnancy, and I was convinced I was having twins.
I got a very bright + at 3 weeks even, and I only tested because I was already experiencing symptoms. I've had the worse fatigue I've EVER had, even when I was pregnant and taking care of a 4m/o baby... it was never this bad. My nausea is insane.. not quite as bad as when I had Hypermesis Gravidarum with my first, but pretty dang close. Boobs were on fire before I ever tested. Round ligament pain started extremely early. Sense of smell is crazy strong, etc. We have twins galore on my moms side; twins on my dads side; dh has twin brothers; my sister just had twin daughters in May; this is my 6th and your odds of twins increase with the more children you've had..... everyone was convinced I, too, was expecting twins. However, we had our u/s at 8 weeks and there is definitely only one healthy bean in there.
Septated uterus, pcos (on metformin), MTHFR
Clomid # 1- July 2010 = BFN / #2 Sept 2010= BFN
IVF#1 - 1/2011 = BFN (Severe AF started 7dpo)
IVF#2 - 3/2011 = Ectopic
Aug 2011- FE - Thaw all - cancelled - embryos didn't make it!
Oct 2011 - IVF#3 = BFP!! ~ TWINS!!
Said goodbye to Twin B @ 9w5d
Hudson Edward ~ Pprom 18 wks 2/16/12 - We love you forever. You have our hearts.
8/15/12 5dFET = BFP! ~ Said goodbye at 7wks gestation
11/9/12 5dFET = BFP! ~ Said goodbye at 5wks gestation
12/28/12 - Septated Uterus Found (was misdiagnosed as bicornuate!)
I've been pregnant 6 times. Out of the 6, 4 made it past 6 weeks. Of those 4, I had horrible m/s. of those 4, 2 were successful pregnancies. Of those 2, my m/s was barely manageable until 20 weeks. Neither of which were multiple pregnancies.
Symptoms mean squat. They are NOT an indicator of a multiple pregnancy.
Thank you. All of this OP.
Layne-May 6, 2013
Callie-February 14, 2011
I thought the same thing, I had bad heartburn, sore bbs , m/s you name it I had it all before I got a BFP. I did so much research on twins and I started to think there were two babies, I had all the signs, significantly enough Twins run in my family on my mother and father side.
At first u/s at 5 weeks they only saw one baby but secretly I hope I have a stow away lol best of luck