How many people do you buy for? Do they all buy for you? Do you enjoy it or is it annoying?
We buy for my parents, ILs, DD, my niece and my little sister. DH has 7 nieces and nephews and 6 brothers and sisters who are all married. There are just too many of them for us to be able to afford to buy for. They tried giving us a hard time about it last year but we didn't give in. I just think its crazy!!
Re: Christmas: Who do you buy for?
we buy for just our parent, ILs, our kids, and my bff's baby.. and any first christmas babies in the fam. My hubby has 5 siblings who are/were older and have children and some of them have children now. It would get crazy to keep up.
a friend of mine's family does a name draw and then you buy that one person a big gift. It's nice...they don't just get a bunch of little things..but spend up to a certain amt (i think it's $150) and gives that one person something really thoughtful or really needed or really fun. Something good.
We buy for WAY too many people:
4 parents
1 grandparent
1 aunt
4 siblings and spouses
6 friends
18 nieces/nephews
DS and each other
I would LOVE to do a name draw thing -- it's just too overwhelming.
Parents (sometimes couples gifts)
Grandparents (couples gift)
Siblings (none of ours are married yet)
Our children
Each other
Sometimes Aunts and Uncles but they are usually family gifts (GC for a restrurant) or some sort of bask
DH, DS, IL's, my parents, my grandparents, my grandfather, and my 7 neices and nephews as well as a couple of people at work. Also a couple of friends kiddos.
Liam is 5!
We buy for our parents, which is 6 people since DHs parents are divorced and his mom is remarried and his dad has a girlfriend he's had for 20 years. Then we buy for our siblings (DH has 1 and I have 1), my SIL, my nieces and nephews (5 of them), DD and new baby this Christmas. My grandfather and great aunt we buy for too.
So in all 18 people. Oh yeah my 2 BFFs, my DDs godmother and her kids (3), my DHs friend, his son and a grab bag gift I do with my friends. Make that number 25 people.
I am starting to buy stuff now since I will be busy with a new baby at Christmas time. We usually do a limit and put aside money before hand. Anymore people and it will get crazy! Oh and yes they all buy for us excpet the nieces and nephews give one gift from all of them to each DH and myself, but they are teenagers so I don't expect an individual gift.
I usually enjoy buying but this year I am doing the easy route like the teenagers=giftcards. Plus I have realized that my ILs put no effort in picking out something for us (we get GCs) which I appreciate but at least pick a store I shop at. At least give that much effort. So I will put inthe same amount of effort for them. I think I am going to like being done shopping before December!!