I had an u/s done on Wed, where I thought I was 6 weeks and 1 day. I knew that the tech could not find a yolk sac and fetal pole, so I got a call from my doctor today to get HCG levels checked and asked if he could release the results of my U/S so I could view them online.
My gestational sac was 6 mm, which seems to correlate with being about 5 weeks pregnant. Also, they found multiple smaller cysts in my endometrium that they think could be an evolving subchorionic hemorrhage, a molar pregnancy (which I doubt since I haven't had any symptoms), or very early multiple gestation.
I'm waiting for the results of my first HCG level, but I'm not really sure how I feel about these results and am wondering if someone has any experience with this.
Sorry for the long message, MH is at work tonight and I can't talk to him about any of this.
Re: XP: U/S results with multiple cysts in uterus?
Thanks. They didn't schedule it yet because we're going to wait and see what my betas look like. He said it'll probably be done 11 1/2 after the first u/s.
BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13