
XP: graduated from RE! officially join you?

Today was my last vagi-cam with the RE! It was a great last apointment, except just about everyone I wanted to say goodbye to is on vacation! I do go back Monday just for bloodwork to see if I can stop progesterone and estrogen. Todays results, still can't see if we have mono/mono or mono/di twins yet. But two yolks so maybe that's a good sign.Baby A: measured 8 weeks 2 days, heartbeat 170 bpmBaby B: measured 8 weeks 2 days, heartbeat 156 bpmStill having some bleeding due to SCH, seems to be worse days when I do more.Doctor said even after 1st trimester, still not out of the woods due to two in one placenta. I hope and pray all goes well and I can handle the worry.

Me:34 PCOS, one kinked tube, low thyroid.
DH:39 lower than average count.
Married 2006. 3 failed IUIs and countless BFNs.
~IVF#1: July 2012~
7/10 Retrieval: 16r, 14f w/ICSI. 7/15 ET: Transfered 2. 4 frosties.< Poas faint+ 4dp5dt.>
Beta#1 (8dp5dt): 138. Beta#2 (10dp5dt): 355.
u/s#1: (19dp5dt) 8/3/12 one sac, two yolks! Beta 8,000
u/s#2: two strong heartbeats! EDD 4/2/12
Boy/girl fraternal mono/di twins-- lost our sweet baby girl at 22 weeks due to SIUGR
Preterm labor at 23 weeks 4 days, lost our sweet baby boy.

Re: XP: graduated from RE! officially join you?

  • Congrats! to graduating from RE to many more dilcocams from your OB and MFM! *hands a bottle of water and a pillow* :) 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageLadynikon:
    Congrats! to graduating from RE to many more dilcocams from your OB and MFM! *hands a bottle of water and a pillow* :) 

    LOL! Thanks!!  


    Me:34 PCOS, one kinked tube, low thyroid.
    DH:39 lower than average count.
    Married 2006. 3 failed IUIs and countless BFNs.
    ~IVF#1: July 2012~
    7/10 Retrieval: 16r, 14f w/ICSI. 7/15 ET: Transfered 2. 4 frosties.< Poas faint+ 4dp5dt.>
    Beta#1 (8dp5dt): 138. Beta#2 (10dp5dt): 355.
    u/s#1: (19dp5dt) 8/3/12 one sac, two yolks! Beta 8,000
    u/s#2: two strong heartbeats! EDD 4/2/12
    Boy/girl fraternal mono/di twins-- lost our sweet baby girl at 22 weeks due to SIUGR
    Preterm labor at 23 weeks 4 days, lost our sweet baby boy.
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  • Two yolk sacs is a very good sign. Put mo/mo out of your mind and concentrate on growing those babies.


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