Wondering if anyone here has used or heard of "cuddlers" brand cloth diapers? Or a a similar one, since these are a Canadian product. I bought some prefolds and prefold covers off of Kijiji (think craigslist type site), and there was almost 2 dozen of these "cuddlers" in with them. They are a contour/fitted diaper with velcro attached for closing.
I also bought some cloth diapers from a different seller on the same site (sight unseen no pics but they were cheap so I went for it) and they are the same brand.
I dismissed the first ones thinking they looked cheap and I didn't think they would work, I was thinking I would give them away to a little girl for her dolls. But looking at the fact I have more and these ones were also well used (but in very good condition) I am rethinking my initial assessment. I can't see these being used without a cover of some kind, but there isn't one in any of the ads. Anyone ever see something similar or have any thoughts on these? I have attached a link for a listing from Kijiji at the bottom of the post, but I can't figure out how to make it clicky or how to post pictures sorry.
I am not having much luck finding info on them online, I can find other Kijiji ads from different provinces (think Canadian version of states) and a blog from a few years ago that mentions this person liked them and they dried fast but no real details.
Sorry I can't figure out how to put the picture in the post.
Thanks for reading and any info would be appreciated.