1st Trimester

Blighted Ovum Misdiagnosis

Hi Ladies! 

I am wondering if anything like this has happened to you or someone you know.

I should have been 8 weeks last Friday (based on my last period) and I went in for my ultrasound and there was just a sac. No fetal pole, no yolk sac - nothing. The midwife doing the ultrasound told me she was sorry but that I had what is called a blighted ovum. That is when the baby implants and then quits growing shortly after but the placenta and sac still grow normally tricking my body into thinking everything is ok. She told me I was going to miscarry and sent me home.

I didn't miscarry so they had me come back in yesterday to do one last ultrasound to see if things were starting to loosen on it's own and to talk other options like taking a pill to help pass it or a possible D and C. To everyones surprise there was a baby in there measuring 6 weeks with 160 heartbeat! She told me I must have just ovulated late, but she's telling me I ovulated around 2 weeks after I got 3 positive pregnancy tests. My husband and I were going to start trying this fall sometime but we had one night that we weren't "careful" so we know exactly when the day was so this is just not adding up. 

Sorry this is so long, but has anyone had the baby measuring 3 weeks behind when you should be based on your last period? I am trying to remain optimistic because there was a baby with a healthy heartbeat, but I'm concerned. If any one has any insight I would love to hear it! Thank you in advance! 



Re: Blighted Ovum Misdiagnosis

  • I'm surprised your midwife automatically diagnosed you for a blighted ovum. I'm glad you got a second ultrasound. I personally experienced a blighted ovum and they had me come in for two weeks to see if anything developed before proceeding w any other options. Sorry you had to go through with that worry!
    Looks like you possibly ovulated late. Not sure how long you have been with your midwife but I would possibly look for someone else? I wouldn't feel comfortable with her especially since she seems to be making things much more confusing and worrisome. Good luck! and yes, misdiagnosis of blighted ovums are pretty common especially w late ovulation
  • hmm interesting. So then based on LMP you should be 8 weeks, but baby is measuring 6? I wouldn't be to worried...you probably Od late, implanted closer to 10 days and then got your BFP really early (some people find out in the 3rd week)

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  • imageshandorfml2:
    hmm interesting. So then based on LMP you should be 8 weeks, but baby is measuring 6? I wouldn't be to worried...you probably Od late, implanted closer to 10 days and then got your BFP really early (some people find out in the 3rd week)


    This.  I was temping/charting my cycle, so I know that I ovulated 2 weeks later than "normal".  Based on my LMP, I should be 10 weeks today, but of course at my ultrasound they found a happy little bean measuring 8 weeks, which is exactly what I expected based on when I know I O'd.  I would be in the same boat as you if I had gone for an ultrasound earlier, like at 5 weeks when my LMP indicated 7 weeks, and it would cause the same unnecessary stress.  Try not to worry and hopefully things continue to progress!

    I agree with PP, seems kind of crazy that they would misdiagnose you with blighted ovum and talk d&c that early without checking further.

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  • Thank you ladies. I really hope it is just that I o'd late. It just doesn't add up anywhere close from my lmp and positive pregnancy tests. I go back in for a repeat ultrasound on Thursday and if all is ok I will be looking into finding a new ob!  

  • Good luck! FX for you!
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