I definitely want to know. But I have an idea. I'm going to poll friends and family to find out what they think I'm going to have, and record the results in a poll. I also wanted to try just about every Old Wives Tale (like hanging the wedding ring above the belly) and record all those results too. Then when I find out, I can see how accurate they really are! I plan to keep all the results as a keepsake in the baby book.
I already did the Chinese Gender Predictor. It says girl
I definitely want to know. But I have an idea. I'm going to poll friends and family to find out what they think I'm going to have, and record the results in a poll. I also wanted to try just about every Old Wives Tale (like hanging the wedding ring above the belly) and record all those results too. Then when I find out, I can see how accurate they really are! I plan to keep all the results as a keepsake in the baby book.
I already did the Chinese Gender Predictor. It says girl
Aww! When I did the Chinese Gender Chart it said boy, but I've been having very vivid dreams of it being a girl!!
I definitely want to know. But I have an idea. I'm going to poll friends and family to find out what they think I'm going to have, and record the results in a poll. I also wanted to try just about every Old Wives Tale (like hanging the wedding ring above the belly) and record all those results too. Then when I find out, I can see how accurate they really are! I plan to keep all the results as a keepsake in the baby book.
I already did the Chinese Gender Predictor. It says girl
EDIT: I forgot I deleted my ticker. I'm 35 wks PG
Aww! When I did the Chinese Gender Chart it said boy, but I've been having very vivid dreams of it being a girl!!
I had very vivid dreams I was having a girl, the gender chart said a girl and it's VERY obvious that I'm having a boy! I still have very vivid dreams that it's a girl for some reason. You just...never know !
I definitely want to know. I think it's a boy. DH thinks it's a girl. We'll see!
With me and DH it's the complete opposite. DH has a really strong feeling it's a boy and I have a strong feeling it's a girl. I personally WANT a boy, because there's so many girls in my family, but I have a feeling it's a girl!! We'll see around 16 - 20 weeks though!!
I wanna know SO bad. I want to start buying stuff but I hate gender neutral! Everyone thinks it's a girl and I don't have a feeling either way. Chinese Gender Chart says it's a boy.
I am dying to know! I already scheduled my elective ultrasound and will be just shy of 17 weeks. We also have the anatomy scan set for 20w. We have said boy from the very beginning but I have had one dream about it being a girl. I am definitely going to start a baby pool before we go!
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I definitely want to know. But I have an idea. I'm going to poll friends and family to find out what they think I'm going to have, and record the results in a poll. I also wanted to try just about every Old Wives Tale (like hanging the wedding ring above the belly) and record all those results too. Then when I find out, I can see how accurate they really are! I plan to keep all the results as a keepsake in the baby book.
I already did the Chinese Gender Predictor. It says girl
Love this idea! Have you heard the OWT about putting your hands out in front of you? If not, I won't post the end result now. If you're interested, let me know and I'll post the result. If I post it now, it will ruin it.
I definitely want to know what it is! When I first found out I was ku, I had very strong girl feelings and then the Chinese Gender Predictor also said girl. Now, though, I'm feeling pretty strongly that it's a boy. I can't wait to find out!!
Yes, we are definitely finding out! I can't wait! I have the feeling it's a girl (and so says the Ancient Chinese Chart ) but my hubby thinks it's a boy. Either way I will be happy!
At first, hubby and I weren't sure if we wanted to know, or if it was going to be a surprize, but decided when the time comes for an ultrasound, we will see
I keep thinking I'm going to have a boy, though we would not be dissapointed with a girl. According to three "old wives" tales (my boss, MIL, and friend) I'm having a boy because I conceived on the day I ovulated, and the heart rate was on the lower end (158).
Also, I had a dream where I had a boy, and the Chinese gender predictor said "boy." BUT- you never know!
I definitely want to know. But I have an idea. I'm going to poll friends and family to find out what they think I'm going to have, and record the results in a poll. I also wanted to try just about every Old Wives Tale (like hanging the wedding ring above the belly) and record all those results too. Then when I find out, I can see how accurate they really are! I plan to keep all the results as a keepsake in the baby book.
I already did the Chinese Gender Predictor. It says girl
Love this idea! Have you heard the OWT about putting your hands out in front of you? If not, I won't post the end result now. If you're interested, let me know and I'll post the result. If I post it now, it will ruin it.
I definitely want to know. But I have an idea. I'm going to poll friends and family to find out what they think I'm going to have, and record the results in a poll. I also wanted to try just about every Old Wives Tale (like hanging the wedding ring above the belly) and record all those results too. Then when I find out, I can see how accurate they really are! I plan to keep all the results as a keepsake in the baby book.
I already did the Chinese Gender Predictor. It says girl
Love this idea! Have you heard the OWT about putting your hands out in front of you? If not, I won't post the end result now. If you're interested, let me know and I'll post the result. If I post it now, it will ruin it.
I have not heard this. Tell me more?
Hold you hands out in front of you. Are the palm up or palm down?
I definitely want to find out, Im dying to know! Me and hubby have been doing all the old wives tales for fun. I feel strongly it's a girl, but hubby says he feels like it's a boy. I've been having dreams that it's a girl, the Chinese Gender Predictor said it's a girl and we did the whole wedding ring on a string and it also indicated girl! We have another U/S Monday, can't wait to see how fast the heartbeat is just to check another ole wives tale off! there hasn't been a girl born into hubby's side of the family for 20 years!
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I definitely want to know. But I have an idea. I'm going to poll friends and family to find out what they think I'm going to have, and record the results in a poll. I also wanted to try just about every Old Wives Tale (like hanging the wedding ring above the belly) and record all those results too. Then when I find out, I can see how accurate they really are! I plan to keep all the results as a keepsake in the baby book.
I already did the Chinese Gender Predictor. It says girl
Love this idea! Have you heard the OWT about putting your hands out in front of you? If not, I won't post the end result now. If you're interested, let me know and I'll post the result. If I post it now, it will ruin it.
I have not heard this. Tell me more?
Hold you hands out in front of you. Are the palm up or palm down?
Ohhhh, I think I've done this one before, but not in the context of what the gender of the baby would be, just that when you ask men and women this same thing they respond differently. For the record, when asked I did both (flipping them over a few times), but started palm down
We definitely want to find out! One of the first things DH asked me after I told him about the bfp was "When do we find out if it's a girl or boy?", LoL. No feelings on the gender yet, but I didn't really with DS either.
I want to know... I would prefer a boy, so we are convinced its a girl.
Same situation here. I'm DYING for a little girl, so I'm convinced that it's a boy! DH doesn't have a preference, but knows mine so he's rooting for a girl too.
I know that I'll be happy with whatever the sex is, but I would prefer to know before the birth.
We are definitely finding out the sex, but are toying with the idea of not telling anyone else what the sex is so that it's a fun surprise for everyone. Plus, I've heard that you get more practical baby gifts when people don't know the sex. I just don't know if we'll be able to keep the secret! Oh well, we'll try it for as long as we can.
I definitely want to know. But I have an idea. I'm going to poll friends and family to find out what they think I'm going to have, and record the results in a poll. I also wanted to try just about every Old Wives Tale (like hanging the wedding ring above the belly) and record all those results too. Then when I find out, I can see how accurate they really are! I plan to keep all the results as a keepsake in the baby book.
I already did the Chinese Gender Predictor. It says girl
I did that during my last pregnancy. about 90% of the old wives tales said i was having a boy. i had a girl. lol
I can't WAIT to find out! I've been having dreams that it is a boy, but...I keep finding myself drawn towards little girl clothes/nurseries/names. I'm not very far along, so we'll see what happens!
I definitely want to know. But I have an idea. I'm going to poll friends and family to find out what they think I'm going to have, and record the results in a poll. I also wanted to try just about every Old Wives Tale (like hanging the wedding ring above the belly) and record all those results too. Then when I find out, I can see how accurate they really are! I plan to keep all the results as a keepsake in the baby book.
I already did the Chinese Gender Predictor. It says girl
EDIT: I forgot I deleted my ticker. I'm 35 wks PG
Aww! When I did the Chinese Gender Chart it said boy, but I've been having very vivid dreams of it being a girl!!
I had very vivid dreams I was having a girl, the gender chart said a girl and it's VERY obvious that I'm having a boy! I still have very vivid dreams that it's a girl for some reason. You just...never know !
OMG! Me too! In fact, that's how I knew I was pregnant. I kept dreaming I was having a little girl.
But yes, I want to know!! And I can't wait until we find out!
I?m indecisive, DH hasn?t said much about wanting to know early. I did the Chinese Gender Predictor it said boy!
The first few weeks every little boy under 4 treated me so mean. They would cry when they saw me , splash water on me, run from me or look at me funny. It was bad. Now since I?m 9 wks little girls don?t like me and little boys love me. I haven?t got a clue.
I have falling in love with gender neutral baby d?cor or little boy stuff. I haven?t seen anything I liked for little girls. Again I haven?t got a clue, but it may be a boy! I just want a Happy, Healthy 10 finger 10 toes 2 eyes 1 mouth 1 nose baby
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Yes we will find out for sure! Last time dh was sure it was a girl, I said boy...chinease chart said boy and we had a boy. This time it says girl. So far my pregnancy is the same as last, I'm leaning towards another boy...dh and everyone in my family wants a girl. I would like another little boy, but will be happy with whatever we have!
After years of struggling with infertility issues (PCOS since I was 16) and 15 medicated cycles we finally got blessed with our son. We got lucky with our 7th IUI using stims...Now we are back on the roller coaster to try for another miracle..IVF cycle in May resulted in a chemical pregnancy. 2 snowbabies FET 7/16-transferred 2 blastocyst...Faint bfp 4dp5dt!
Re: Anyone want to know...
I definitely want to know. But I have an idea. I'm going to poll friends and family to find out what they think I'm going to have, and record the results in a poll. I also wanted to try just about every Old Wives Tale (like hanging the wedding ring above the belly) and record all those results too. Then when I find out, I can see how accurate they really are! I plan to keep all the results as a keepsake in the baby book.
I already did the Chinese Gender Predictor. It says girl
Aww! When I did the Chinese Gender Chart it said boy, but I've been having very vivid dreams of it being a girl!!
Pregnancy Quotes
Make a pregnancy ticker
I had very vivid dreams I was having a girl, the gender chart said a girl and it's VERY obvious that I'm having a boy! I still have very vivid dreams that it's a girl for some reason. You just...never know !
Cooper Edward
Pregnancy Quotes
Make a pregnancy ticker
With me and DH it's the complete opposite. DH has a really strong feeling it's a boy and I have a strong feeling it's a girl. I personally WANT a boy, because there's so many girls in my family, but I have a feeling it's a girl!! We'll see around 16 - 20 weeks though!!
Pregnancy Quotes
Make a pregnancy ticker
Both the Hubby and I want to know very very bad!!!
We want to find out. I like to plan ahead and we want to pick out names. I think its a boy, but we will see!
My BFP Chart
I completely understand that. Well, whatever you end up having, congrats! I know both of you will be happy.
Pregnancy Quotes
Make a pregnancy ticker
Love this idea! Have you heard the OWT about putting your hands out in front of you? If not, I won't post the end result now. If you're interested, let me know and I'll post the result. If I post it now, it will ruin it.
At first, hubby and I weren't sure if we wanted to know, or if it was going to be a surprize, but decided when the time comes for an ultrasound, we will see
I keep thinking I'm going to have a boy, though we would not be dissapointed with a girl. According to three "old wives" tales (my boss, MIL, and friend) I'm having a boy because I conceived on the day I ovulated, and the heart rate was on the lower end (158).
Also, I had a dream where I had a boy, and the Chinese gender predictor said "boy." BUT- you never know!
I have not heard this. Tell me more?
Hold you hands out in front of you. Are the palm up or palm down?
Ohhhh, I think I've done this one before, but not in the context of what the gender of the baby would be, just that when you ask men and women this same thing they respond differently. For the record, when asked I did both (flipping them over a few times), but started palm down
Palm down supposedly means boy.
The easy way to remember (as I was told) is that girls are always asking for things (hence the palms up). haha.
This time i think we will find out.
Young and in Love.
Same situation here. I'm DYING for a little girl, so I'm convinced that it's a boy! DH doesn't have a preference, but knows mine so he's rooting for a girl too.
I know that I'll be happy with whatever the sex is, but I would prefer to know before the birth.
We are definitely finding out the sex, but are toying with the idea of not telling anyone else what the sex is so that it's a fun surprise for everyone. Plus, I've heard that you get more practical baby gifts when people don't know the sex. I just don't know if we'll be able to keep the secret! Oh well, we'll try it for as long as we can.
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Baby Names"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1c25fb.aspx" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0" /></a>
OMG! Me too! In fact, that's how I knew I was pregnant. I kept dreaming I was having a little girl.
But yes, I want to know!! And I can't wait until we find out!
I?m indecisive, DH hasn?t said much about wanting to know early. I did the Chinese Gender Predictor it said boy!
The first few weeks every little boy under 4 treated me so mean. They would cry when they saw me , splash water on me, run from me or look at me funny. It was bad. Now since I?m 9 wks little girls don?t like me and little boys love me. I haven?t got a clue.
I have falling in love with gender neutral baby d?cor or little boy stuff. I haven?t seen anything I liked for little girls. Again I haven?t got a clue, but it may be a boy! I just want a Happy, Healthy 10 finger 10 toes 2 eyes 1 mouth 1 nose baby