1st Trimester

pain mgmt and pregnancy

ok, so I've got all my docs on board and informed, etc. and had the meds I take for pain management (rare nerve disorder and additional injuries that cannot be surgically fixed due to the nerve disorder, so extreme, intense pain all the time, even with meds, as I take as little as I can to get by) cut down to bare minimum and what is safe enough to take during pregnancy. Will have to do some baby recovery stuff after delivery due to having to take some meds, but what I am wondering about is breastfeeding- only have had 1 visit with o/b so far and was so over the moon hearing the heartbeat- and sobbing my eyes out!!!!- after an extremely traumatic and dangerous miscarraige at 4months, that I forgot to ask about whether I will even be able to breastfeed! Of course, I am relieved beyond all words to have heard a heartbeat, since this is the first of 3 pregnancies that have actually gotten this far along (2 miscarriages, but the 1st was one that basically took care of itself and didn't need medical intervention or anything- the second one was the one that has me terrified!), but am still stressed out and worried and excited and thrilled and ... well, all those emotions pregnant women go through. :) .  Since I am now 36, and both earlier pregnancies were in my early 20s, there's been a huge number of years between even attempting to get pregnant, and when my fiance and I decided to start trying, we didn't expect to get pregnant so quickly- only took a little over a month, which basically boils down to being our first chance :). But as excited as I am, and even though the docs are well aware of my situation with meds and some other physical issues- had cervical cancer several years ago and surgery to deal with it- I am just worried about all of it. And, of course, pain levels are really elevated, especially with the cut in medications. Not sure how I am going to manage everything and still handle pain but am hoping someone has some suggestions about things that have worked to cope with pain and pain mgmt during pregnancy! 

Re: pain mgmt and pregnancy

  • I'm proceeding with pain mgmt as is for now, no reduction. I was told withdrawal is more dangerous than keeping things as is. I switched from APAP meds to straight so I don't have so much Tylenol around. I also have suffered from recurrent loss so we might e good bump buddies! Feel free to PM me. I'm currently 5w5d! 


  • Keep your doctors informed and ask questions! I will probably be in the minority here, but let's concentrate on getting you and your baby through delivery happy and healthy before worrying about breastfeeding. Yes, we all want to do it, but there are some instances where it's better not to. Requiring medication for pain management may be one of those instances. Talk to your OB about your concerns and wishes, but prepare yourself that things may not go as you picture them. Your baby will still thrive and be healthy if you can't nurse him/her, just focus on having the happiest healthiest pregnancy you can!
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  • YGPM
    TTC since 8/2012

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