It started last night out of nowhere and is 10 times worse this morning, I am heading to the airport to head home after a business trip so five hours on a plane should make it feel great
Two questions, I never get sick, Is this a common symptom in earli 1st tri? I am only 4 weeks 3 days right now so I haven't really had any symptoms
And two, are cough drops safe in first tri?
Re: Ugh nasty sore throat
I took my temp this morning and it is normal so tht is good
So, randomly, marshmallows were originally made to remedy sore throats. It can't hurt to try them. I guess they absorb whatever is hanging out at the back of your throat irritating it. My doc told me when I was preggers the 1st time that cough drops are no good because of the menthol in them? I had the Ludens but they were really just for the taste, you know?
Good luck and I hope you feel better xoxo