December 2011 Moms

Vent. Childish, Sensless, Vent.

Ok, This is ventish, probably childish, and also probably not that big of a deal, and is facebook related, so stupid too.  I'm aware of this, however, today... it is REALLY rubbing me wrong.  If I don't get it off my chest to you ladies, I will say it to DH who will then get angry.

DH has an older cousin, who has a step sister who was an adult before said cousin was born.  So no relation to DH, and wasn't a part of his life at all, she lives in AZ and we live in OH.

Every, and I mean EVERY single picture I, my husband, my sister, ANYONE posts of DD on facebook, she has to like, then she has to make comments like... "I believe that's a curl I see... oh curly (DH) she looks just like you."  Please note that DD hair is STRAIGHT not curly AT ALL.  Or if she's making a funny face.  "I know YOU are teaching her those faces Jason!"  Or, "You need to get on making a collage of her funny faces...and send it to me!" and... "oh how funny, she is SO  Baker (DH's mom's side), she's got the cheeks, and the thighs, and oh she just looks so much like Sandi's (MIL) family."  -- FYI she doesn't.  She looks like a good mix between DH and I, and leans towards looking like me, anyone, even DH will say it.

I do NOT know this woman, have never met her.  EVER.  I am sick and tired of her crap comments being all over the pictures anyone posts of DD.  It's annoying. 

Yes, I could stop posting pictures, but my sister just moved to SC, and MIL, FIL, SIL all live far enough away that they don't see her often and I want them to see the pictures.  I could unfriend Julie, but it won't stop her because she can post on pictures that DH is tagged in.  I honestly want to scream at her to keep her dumb *** comments to herself.

That part of DH's Family (MIL's Side) hate me.  They hate all significant others, and have nothing nice to say about any of us, especially the women (DIL's) Because we "took" their little boys away.  We strictly exist to produce their grandchildren, then we should just disappear, never to be seen or heard from again.  Oh, and the child, is 100% them, not one ounce of the child is the mother.  And the mother is a horrible mother... no matter what.  I hate these people. 

Ok... end vent.  If you read it, I hope it was mildly entertaining, as I know it is ridiculous. 

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Re: Vent. Childish, Sensless, Vent.

  • Change both your and DH's privacy settings so she doesn't see your pics. Then you don't have to unfriend her but don't have to read the comments.

    I don't post any pics to FB anymore bc some family members would continue to share them with all of their random FarmVille friends around the globe which I wasn't comfortable with. I share his pics on a Shutterfly Share Site that is secured to only users I authorize. It works great. People still feel involved too since it has "like" and comment features and allows nonFB users like my dad, MIL, FIL, etc. to share in the fun.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Not a bad idea!  Thanks!

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  • We have a relative who "likes" every single status or picture related to LO.  She hasn't even met him and it pisses me off.  If you love him so much, make the trip and meet him!!!
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