1st Trimester

Charlie horse in abdomen? Help!

Alright, I need some serious advice. I an getting the Worst pains at night when I toss and turn like when I go to switch sides. It literally feels like I get a Charlie horse in my abdomen. I'm only 6 weeks and this is just really worrying me to the point where I fully wake up to turn over at night because I'm afraid it'll happen! Anyone else experience this this early in pregnancy and anything that comforts in? Should I call my OB or is this normal?
IAmPregnant Ticker

Re: Charlie horse in abdomen? Help!

  • Google "round ligament pain". Is it anything like that?

    I could have written this post, and it feels exactly like you described... a charlie horse in my abdomen. It's a cramp, the muscle feels like it's tight, and then it's sore the next day. Happens when I turn over at night.

    However, I thought mine was from my c-section surgery. I didn't have them prior to DS, but I did start having them after he was born, and getting them more frequently now that I'm pregnant with #2. I was going to ask my OB about it at my appointment in 2 weeks!

    carrie ~ me-at-carrie.cc ~ 4/21/2007
    * blog * first baby blog * baby 2.0 blog * twitter *



  • My appointment is in three I was going to ask as well! If you could let me know what you hear back that would be great!!
    IAmPregnant Ticker
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  • Will do! I tried to google it, and got nada... I'll let you know what the OB says!
    carrie ~ me-at-carrie.cc ~ 4/21/2007
    * blog * first baby blog * baby 2.0 blog * twitter *



  • i experienced this even before i got a positive pregnancy test.  My whole abdomen was sore, and even under my ribs hurt.  It felt like i'd done a million crunches.  i was convinced i must have overdone it at work.  In the couple days after the positive test it seemed to get worse - i could NOT lay on my stomach to sleep or read a book the muscles felt so tight.  It seems to have subsided quite a bit now, though i still feel sore. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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