1st Trimester

Worried about first ultrasound...

I have my first ultrasound next week. Based on my calculation from my last period, I will be 11 weeks when I go for my ultrasound. That is my first official doctors appt besides the confirmation. I'm excited and worried at the same time. I've seen some stories about getting to the ultrasound and  finding out there is no heartbeat. I don't want to worry myself with negative stuff. I'm trying to be hopeful. But does anyone know if there are any signs and symptoms that will tip you off to something being wrong? I guess I'm trying to be in tune to my body to make sure there aren't any warning signs I should be looking for. I don't know. Ugh!

Re: Worried about first ultrasound...

  • I would say so long as your not bleeding and no heavy cramps you should be fine :) have fun and enjoy it 
  • Typically bleeding is a sign - but not always. Sometimes there is no sign at all, especially at 11 weeks when symptoms are already subsiding. I wouldn't worry. Stressing is not good for you although I know that is easier said than done - I'm fighting the worry too. Just enjoy your pregnancy one day at a time! :)
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  • I had a feeling something was wrong before I went in for my first ultrasound at 10w4d. My symptoms completely disappeared at 7 weeks and never came back. Also, I had a home doppler which I used with both my daughters and was able to find the heartbeat every day from 9 weeks on- but even though I tried daily, I never found the heartbeat with my last pregnancy. At my ultrasound we found that the baby had stopped growing between 4-6 weeks.  I hesitate to say any of this, because it can be perfectly normal to have disappearing symptoms and most women can't find the heartbeat with a doppler until much later. I don't say this to worry you, I'm just answering your question. I'm sure everything is fine.

    Anneliese Olive 11/5/09
    Hazel Dianna 1/8/11
    Luna Valentine 4/25/13

  • I had similar fears, that I was just crazy....  if it helps, I had a fine u/s last week.  They moved my date back a few days, so I am actually going back tomorrow for another u/s.  And yet, I'm still worried, that there could be something wrong now...  I don't think you ever stop worrying.
    *** DS born February 21, 2013 - Toronto, Canada  ***
  • feling the same way nervous first ultra sound  is next wed. 
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