Just curious is anyone else found out they were pregnant ridiculously early like I did. I hadn't even missed my period yet, I just knew. I was tired and crampy and my chest was sore. And this is my first time. I'm six weeks now. I found out when I was 3 1/2 weeks. Anyone else find out that early?
Re: Found out ridiculously early...
Layne-May 6, 2013
Callie-February 14, 2011
I found out very early, too. I was 8dpo or 3weeks at the time. Time has moved verrrrrry slowly!
My Ovulation Chart BFP-11/10/11 ectopic. Methotrexate on 12/1/11. BFP #2-08/17/2012 FX for a ute-baby! 15DPO beta-387 HCG; 36 progesterone
BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w4d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence
Then it's possible that you really don't even know exactly how far along you were when you found out.....
This, except I was 11 dpo. I am also feeling like it makes time go so slow, especially when it comes to telling people we are pregnant. We want to wait, but it gets harder every day.
BFP 8/03/12 EDD 4/18/13
Friends for 17 years. Married 10. TTC since Jan 2009.
2013: IVF#3/FET#4 Elisabeth CJ born April 30, 2014
Cerclage, P17, and 3 months of bed rest brought us our Rainbow.
Dum spiro, spero.
Yup I held out testing until 3w5d (10DPO) and got my first positive. Symptoms first showed up two days before that, I imagine I would have seen a positive test at that point as well.
Me: 30, DH: 33 Married 8/3/08
BFP 7/16/2012 (8th cycle), EDD 3/27/2012, Delivered 3/24/2013 - IT'S A BOY!
I found out at 4 weeks exactly, at 11(ish, I wasn't charting, just using OPKS), DPO. I had started testing at approx. 8dpo and was getting negs until yesterday!
Who are you talking to?