1st Trimester

Found out ridiculously early...

Just curious is anyone else found out they were pregnant ridiculously early like I did. I hadn't even missed my period yet, I just knew. I was tired and crampy and my chest was sore. And this is my first time. I'm six weeks now. I found out when I was 3 1/2 weeks. Anyone else find out that early?
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Re: Found out ridiculously early...

  • I found out at 9dpo. 


    Layne-May 6, 2013

    Callie-February 14, 2011

  • I found out at 3 weeks 3 days. Shocked I got a positive that soon!
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  • I found out very early, too.  I was 8dpo or 3weeks at the time.  Time has moved verrrrrry slowly!

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    BFP #1: 7/10/2012 .... DS Born: 2/26/2013
    TTC #2: 5/2014
    BFP #2: 7/8/2014 .... MC at 4w4d
    BFP #3: 9/14/2014...EDD 5/30/2015

    Little Sister is on the way!
  • I found out at 3 weeks, 4 days.
  • I found out at 3w3d as well and I was charting.
    BabyFruit Ticker
    My Ovulation Chart BFP-11/10/11 ectopic. Methotrexate on 12/1/11. BFP #2-08/17/2012 FX for a ute-baby! 15DPO beta-387 HCG; 36 progesterone Follow Me on Pinterest
  • 9dpo - that was 3w1d. I was charting (BFP chart in siggy). I almost wish I would find out about my pregnancies later because it makes 1st tri go by really slowly to know that early.

    BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
    BFP2: 3/18/12, blighted ovum, natural m/c @ 7w4d
    BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w4d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence

  • Oh wow! Glad to know I wasn't alone. I really wasn't charting though because I wasn't sure when I ovulated because my cycle has been weird lately. I just felt like it was happening. Took a test and got an extremely light line and then like two days later it was dark. Very excited though! Congrats to you all!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • imagehopeofanangel:
    Oh wow! Glad to know I wasn't alone. I really wasn't charting though because I wasn't sure when I ovulated because my cycle has been weird lately

    Then it's possible that you really don't even know exactly how far along you were when you found out..... 

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  • 6 days before my expected period -- I wasn't charting, but we were trying, and I felt like hell. 
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  • Yup, I was 3w1d (9dpo) when we found out. 
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    BabyFruit Ticker
    DD1 born 2/15/13 ~ Due with #2 on 12/27/14 (it's a boy!) {Eff you, siggy line! Why won't you center align?!}
  • imagekelly321:
    9dpo - that was 3w1d. I was charting (BFP chart in siggy). I almost wish I would find out about my pregnancies later because it makes 1st tri go by really slowly to know that early.

    This, except I was 11 dpo.  I am also feeling like it makes time go so slow, especially when it comes to telling people we are pregnant. We want to wait, but it gets harder every day.


    BFP 8/03/12 EDD 4/18/13
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  • Yup, we found out super early also around 3 weeks.  We found out when I went to the ER for lower abdominal pain.  I found out the best news and worst possible news all in one minute.  They told me I was pregnant and that it was most likely an ectopic pregnancy.  Thank goodness my hCG came back too low to be ectopic. About 2 weeks later we saw my RE and she was able to confirm on u/s that our little sprout was in my uterus.  
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  • I found out around 3 weeks. I have my first dr's appointment next week and I am really rather nervous. 
  • 9 DPO, so it was like 3 w and 2 or 3 days... I got a faint line, went in the next day and had my HCG checked. It was 12! The nurse said she was shocked it showed up on a home test, she had never seen anyone catch their pregnancy that early! It def. makes the wait for second tri seems a little bit longer though....
    BFP #1 03/2010 EDD 11/18/2010 DD born 11/03/2010 BFP #2 12/02/2011 CP on 12/05/2011 BFP #3 12/28/2011 EDD 09/10/2012 Missed mc @ 9w3d on 02/09/2012 D&C 03/06/2012 BFP #4 04/24/2012 EDD 01/02/2013 CP on 04/29/2012
  • 11dpo, so 3weeks and change. It makes the early part go soooo slow. It already feels like I've been pregnant forever (which is in no way a complaint).
    Friends for 17 years. Married 10. TTC since Jan 2009.
    3 IVFs, 4 FETs, 11 transferred embryos, 3 losses (c/p, 6w, 17w)
    2012: Lost "Peanut" at 17weeks to PTL/IC.
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    Cerclage, P17, and 3 months of bed rest brought us our Rainbow.
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     Dum spiro, spero.
  • Yup I held out testing until 3w5d (10DPO) and got my first positive. Symptoms first showed up two days before that, I imagine I would have seen a positive test at that point as well.


    Me: 30, DH: 33 Married 8/3/08
    BFP 7/16/2012 (8th cycle), EDD 3/27/2012, Delivered 3/24/2013 - IT'S A BOY!
  • I found out at 4 weeks exactly, at 11(ish, I wasn't charting, just using OPKS), DPO.  I had started testing at approx. 8dpo and was getting negs until yesterday!

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  • I found out at 10 dpo. I was charting. It's not that rediculous if you are using an early result test like FRER.
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  • Yep, got a positive 8dpo on my last pregnancy, which I m/c. I was only one day late, and I just had a feeling.
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  • 3 weeks and 4 days, but we were monitoring closely.
    TTC #1 - BFN; TTC #2 - BFN; TTC #3 - BFP!!! Beta 1 - 149 Beta 2 - 250 Beta 3 - 442 Beta 4 - 1987! BabyFruit Ticker Announcement
  • Right but they count it from the first day of your last period, that's how I got the timing that have right now. I suppose I'll confirm it with the dr. next week.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • imagehopeofanangel:
    Right but they count it from the first day of your last period, that's how I got the timing that have right now. I suppose I'll confirm it with the dr. next week.

    Who are you talking to? 



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