For those that have this one - where did you get it? Did you get the RF to 35lb or 40lbs? It's sort of weirding me out that there are very few places to buy it and even though I read to get the 40RF one I can't find it anywhere.
Did you have to use pool noodles to get the right fit? I've heard that's a common problem - where do you put the noodle?
We're getting it to take on a place/for vacation and then for my parents' car afterwards.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Re: Cosco Scenera
ours is the 35lb one and i'm not overly concerned about it. it's in our second car, the only time he rides in it is when he goes to DC. i do a majority of the other errands with him in my car, where we have a triumph.
he's 20lbs at 8 months, we'll deal with what to get next when he reaches about 32-33lbs. we're planning on keeping him RF as long as possible, but the minute that he becomes too much of a distraction and FF will fix it, we'll switch him. we're hoping to make it to 2 but know also that it may be sooner.
This is the seat we use for our toddler in my husband's car. The one we have is RF to 40 lbs. When it was RF, we put a tightly rolled towel under it. She is FF now, and we don't have to use anything under it. We bought it at Target, but that was almost 2 years ago. It's an okay seat. My daughter's Britax seat is definitely much nicer and is the seat she rides in about 95% of the time. I think for your purposes, the Scenera will work well. It's definitely better for travel as it's lighter and a little smaller.