I thought the pregnancy was making me terribly sick. Stomach cramps after eating, terrible gas, severe nausea, and I was so tired I was sleeping for 14+ hours a day. My mothers friend from work asked me if I ever had tried going gluten free. I have had problems my entire life with being tired and stomach upset. But doctors said you need more exercise and fiber. That's the best they could tell me. Well as of 4 days ago I went gluten free and let me tell you my life has changed. I have cut out my naps, I don't feel like a train wreck. It's absolutely amazing! I had no idea. I have not yet been diagnosed by a doctor for gluten intolerance but being that all my symptoms have now disappeared I'd bet my last dollar on it. (I did forget at a bonfire and ate a hot dog with bun, within 15 minutes I was in the bathroom miserable. I will be sticking closely to my new diet) I figured I'd share because not only am I so darn happy now but maybe someone else can benefit.
Re: Life changing (going gluten free)
So glad you are feeling better!!! I am gluten free as well, and I would definately recommend getting the blood test so you know for sure it is celiac disease! Its an easy blood test, usually covered by insurance.
Good luck!
It's really important to get a celiac test...intolerance is one thing but celiac requires much more absolute attention to things like cross-contamination. I've been diagnosed gluten intolerant for 2.5 years now. In an odd way, it couldn't have happened at a better time...there are so many gf replacement foods at both "regular" grocery stores and whole foods. The caution is that you can get cookies, cinnamon buns, cupcakes, pizza, etc all gluten free. Just because it's gluten free doesn't mean it's healthy, but it's great to not have your stomach upset!
I went gluten and dairy free recently after seeing a nutritionist. He said that it isn't worth getting the celiac test if you know you react to gluten. The test won't tell you if you're sensitive to it, but don't have celiacs. But I could see why you would want to rule out celiacs, having to worry about cross contamination would be a big pain. You'd have to go back on gluten to take the test though.
For me I react more to dairy (not just lactose). I actually wasn't sure about the gluten at first. It takes a few days for me to react to that, with the dairy it's almost immediate. I still cheat a little with the gluten, because it's just easier sometimes, but then I regret it later. Especially now with the added bloat of pregnancy.
Anyway, glad you figured it out and are feeling better!
I'm glad you figured out what was bothering you. My SIL had something similar happen...she has been gluten free with her children (due to severe allergies for them) for almost a year. She started slowly reintroducing gluten again for herself and she ended up in the hospital with severe stomach pains. Now she's sure that they all have celiacs.
It's a tough road, especially grocery shopping wise (GF food can be expensive, isn't on sale and rarely have coupons) and some restaurants are not as accommodating, but you can do it!
My little man at 0-1-2
My husband follows the caveman diet or the paleo diet which eliminates glutens among other things. It seems really hard to follow but after he was on it for a few days he started to feel so much better. I'm glad that you have found something that makes you feel better!
This :0 We aren't intolerant or celiac, but we changed our diet up a few years ago to loosely Paleo (we eat dairy, and the occasional cracker or dessert) and have never felt better. I also second the warning about all the gluten-free crap at the store. You are better off just avoiding grains all together and eating real foods, ie, not from a box.