Eco-Friendly Family

how to talk to daycare about healthy snacks

I recently started both kids in a daycare/preschool two days a week while I work. They provide one snack for them during the time they're there. When I asked about snacks they said they have healthy things like bananas, crackers, etc., which are fine with me. I just picked up a snack schedule and saw things like chocolate pudding and vanilla wafers. I know some people consider those things healthy b/c they aren't technically "junk food," but I don't consider them healthy b/c we eat mostly all natural, non-processed food. 

Is there a nice way to educate them about this so that they might consider changing their snack options, without sounding critical? 

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Re: how to talk to daycare about healthy snacks

  • aetgaetg member

    In our state a daycare is supposed to have a monthly menu of snacks planned.  Maybe you could ask for something like that to determine if it was a one off thing or more common?  

     Edited because I'm an idiot and didn't see that you were looking on the schedule.  Maybe you could highlight which items you were concerned about and see ask about alternate items.  Surely they have some else available for those kids with allergies, etc.  Perhaps your kids could have that?  

     At my school some kids bring their own snacks/treats because parents want more control of choices. 

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  • our day care provides snacks like crackers or goldfish.  I let DD have them but  I also send fruit to go with them.  Instesd of changing the day care, you can always be in charge of what snacks you will let them serve you lo, but be aware that peer pressure sucks.  I would rather DD only get fruit, but then I will get the questions from her on why everyone else gets goldfish....  so she does both.

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  • If you have an issue with it I would just tell them you prefer LOs don't have that type of snack.  Just as a comparison this is what is on the menu at DD's daycare this week for snacks:

    Monday: Graham crackers

    Tuesday: Veggies and dip

    Wednesday: Apples

    Thursday: cheese and crackers

    Friday: Watermelon

    DD1 9.15.10  DD2 11.2.12
  • Thanks for all of your advice. Just to clarify, I don't plan to leave the daycare and I know bringing my own snacks is an option. I prefer to get the daycare to serve healthy snacks b/c I feel like that's part of what I pay for, and it's in the best interest of all of the children if they change. They do provide fruit, etc. some of the time. It's just other items that concern me (i.e. vanilla wafers, which I know are considered healthy to some, but they have tons of artificial stuff in them). 

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  • This is exactly why I send a snack for DD.  I provide all of her food even though it's included in the tuition.  It's more important to me that she get fresh, clean food than saving the money.  At our daycare snacks I've seen are vanilla wafers, goldfish, nuitrigrain bars, cheese sticks.  It's rarely fruit and it's definitely not fresh fruit.  DD gets fruit or veggies from home instead.
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