Could a few of you Dec mamas please share your 8 month old's meal schedule.
I am still figuring out the best spacing between meals for us.
Right now
She nurses between 7 and 9 am. Pretty much non-stop
Breakfast is at 10
Lunch is at 2
Dinner is around 6
She also nurses at 11, 3, 7, 10 and twice in the night.
And then there are sippy cups of formula because I still feel the need to supplement -- ah well, one more month of this!!!!
The reason I ask is that I'm wondering if she's being fed so often that this is a part of her expecting food every 3 hours through the night too.
Re: 3 meal/day feeding schedule?
Nurse wake up
Breakfast an hour later yogurt and fruit usually or cereal and fruit
Nap an hour after that for 2 hrs
Nurse wake up
Lunch an hour later veggie/fruit usually
Nap 2 hours after that for 1.52 hrs
Nurse wake up
If he's hungry I'll nurse again 2 hours later before dinner, if not he just has dinner at 5:306ish mixed meat, veggie/fruit
Then nurse again at bed time. He also wakes up between 1am3am to nurse.
he eats the 3.5 oz of Gerber food
ETA: he also eats some finger foods whatever I'm eating or yogurt melts throughout the day not very much at a time but at least twice a day, If he sees me eating.
Congratulations on the once/night. We are still up at 1 and 4 or 2 and 5. I comfort myself by saying she's a young December baby. My husband is going away for a week next month. I am going to try to get rid of one night feed if she doesn't do it herself. I imagine a lot of hours of rocking while we tweak things.
We only do 2 meals a day (up from 1/day 2 weeks ago). Here is our schedule.
630am - bottle
10am - bottle
1130 - solids (BLW)
2pm - bottle
430pm - bottle
6pm - dinner solids
7pm - bottle
Her bottles are only 2-4ozs each. I feel like I feed her all day long but she is tiny (10th percentile) and if I feed her more at once she vomits.
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui)
#1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
#2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015
#4!!!!!!! due June 2017
Wakeup and first bottle around 730 or 8 a.m. all bottles are 6 oz
Breakfast usually fruit baby food/blw around 9 when my toddler wakes up
Nap after breakfast most days for about an hour. Sometimes takes a bottle while going to sleep. Depends on how long since his last bottle and when he goes down for a nap.
Lunch around noon, bottle, solids if interested, and nap shortly after lunch
Since this nap is usually 2 to 3 hours, he eats another bottle soon after wake up
Another bottle if he's awake while I'm fixing supper around 6 ish, or when he wakes up, and solids while we eat around 7. Meat and veggies for supper.
Bottle at bedtime around 9 to 930 then asleep for the night. He doesn't eat at all until the next morning. Pacifier does the trick if he wakes up. He hasn't taken a bottle through the night for about 4 months now.
wake up is between 7 and 8 typically. he gets 3oz solids (this week it was yogurt+fruit, next it will be oatmeal+fruit) and then a 6oz bottle.
nap is around 10am, whenever he wakes up he's not typically hungry. he waits until about 1230-1 to eat again, which is 3oz solids (fruit or vegetable) and then a 6oz bottle.
after his afternoon nap he's usually ready for a 6oz bottle again, and then dinner is at 8pm with finger foods (puffs, rice cups) while i make the bottles for the next day and then he gets 3oz solids (vegetables) and an 8oz bottle.
if he wakes up between 4 and 6am, he gets a 2oz bottle if the paci doesn't get him back to sleep. we only really use the paci at naps or if he's really tired and we're trying to get home to nap.
all in all, he's eating 9oz of solids a day and 26-28oz of BM/formula. he recently dropped his 4th 6oz bottle and seems to be fine without it.
7am bottle
8am breakfast
10am bottle
12pm lunch
1:30 bottle
4:30 bottle
6:30 dinner
8pm bottle
Here is DD schedule:
8am-wake/bottle 7oz
10am-Breakfast waffle or pancakes
12pm-Bottle 6oz
1pm-Lunch veggie
3pm-Bottle 6oz
6pm-Dinner cereal & fruit
8pm-Bottle 6oz
She sttn so this is her complete schedule
Edited: Added ounces and what she has for meals
6:30am wake up - nurse (or bottle M-F)
7am - solids, usually fruit, cereal, puffs. Sometimes pancakes or french toast.
9:30am - nurse or bottle
11:30am - nurse or bottle
Noon - solids, veggie/fruit/meat up to 7oz most days
2:30pm - nurse or bottle
4:30pm - nurse
5pm - solids, a mix veggie/fruit/cheese or yogurt, again up to 7oz
6:30pm - nurse
7:30pm - bed
DS still nurses about every 2 to 2 1/2 hours during the day. Usually once at night, but right now we are going through teething hell and he wakes up every hour. I feed him twice during the night right now.
He eats the three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with us whenever we eat. I do make sure that it is not closer than 30 minutes til his next BM feeding though to make sure he's not too milk-hungry to eat finger food ;-)
Our typical day looks like this- (slightly different at daycare)
730-8 wake up, 1st bottle, all bottles are 7 oz
10-breakfast, yogurt or cereal and fruit (1-2 oz)
12- bottle
1-2- lunch, fruit/veg (1-2 oz)
6-630- dinner, meat (just started this) and veg
730-8- bottle before bed
We just dropped a bottle last week. My DS was not finishing any of his bottles except the first one so I decided to add a solids meal and drop a bottle. He gets various finger foods and bits of what I am eating throughout the day as well. His meals are al, homemade baby food.
my DDs schedule lately has been like this:
6:00am - wake up and nurse
10 am-breakfast (pancakes and fruit or oatmeal and fruit)
12 pm-lunch (cereal and veggies or whatever I am eating depending on what that is) AND nurse afterwards
2 pr 3pm-nurse
4pm-dinner (meat and veggies) AND nurse afterwards if she wants to
8:30pm-nurse and bed
DD doesn't wake up for night feelings anymore
SJ- Born 12/17/11
GB- Born Sleeping 8/29/18