December 2011 Moms topic

A couple of weeks ago the people in the apt two doors down from us found brown reclusive spiders in their apt and moved out. Building management sprayed their apt but didn't tell anyone about the spiders. We know b/c we are friends w/ the people. Then the people in the apt next to ours broke their lease and left. Management sprayed that apt but still didn't say anything. We found one in our apt the next week. They sprayed parts of our apt where there is no furniture against the walls and put out sticky traps.

This week they are putting a new roof on our building, which is a historic building converted to apts. EVERY day what I think is black tar, dirt and paint chips are falling from the ceiling all over everything...the crib, pack and play, bouncer, our bed and the roof has leaked on our chair and my sewing machine.

DH is a SAHD and can't even have LO here during the day because of the mess, noise and smell. We have started putting plastic on everything and only come home to sleep. No relatives in the area to stay with.

We are already moving but soonest we can get into the new place is next Saturday and the roofing is supposed to continue for another week.

We as well as other tenants have complained to building management but they say they will send out complaints to the regional managers. So basically nothing.

Not sure how to escalate this or should we just suffer another week. LO is not getting good naps, can't crawl around on the floor. Don't even like staying there at night. Have the crib in glasses and a net over it to keep any spiders away.

And this isn't supposed to be a dive. It is a historic building down town and the rent is high for the city.

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  • Sounds like you dont have much of an option. You have to stay and suffer through it for another week. Can you ask the new place if you can move in any sooner? Even a day or two would help.

     Sorry you are going through this. Spiders (or small bugs of any kind) would have me on edge.

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  • Do you have family or friends you could stay with for a week? Can you call the regional management company? I'd want to get out of there too!

    We had awolf spider problem at our house which totally freaked me out they were everywhere! Bad thing about owning the house is we couldn't leave.
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  • Yuck!  I'm not sure how I would escalate the situation, but I would definitely get out!  Staying in a clean hotel is much better than being afraid of what's in/on the floor at home!!

    Once you get out, you could contact the regional management yourself.  If that doesn't work, you could call the local news - that seems to always put pressure on landlords to make retriubtions.


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  • I second a hotel stay. I wouldn't be able to handle the thought of a spider infestation, much less all the construction with a little one. I would also contact the owners and explain the unlivable conditions in hopes they would pay for half the hotel.  Take pictures and document the effects.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I may be a bit paranoid. 

    I would stay in a hotel before I'd stay in a building that I knew there were brown recluse spiders in.  I was bit by one in our garden (we own our home) 2 years ago this month actually... and ended up in the hospital for 3 days. 

    Spiders are dirty and even if the venom doesn't do any harm, they can cause a staff infection... which is what happened to me.  I had to be put on Vancomiacine (spelling is wrong for sure) which I was allergic to.  =) AWESOME. 

    If you can afford it.  Leave.  We sprayed our house afterwards.

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