What do you use to deep clean your toilet bowl? We have well water and our toilet grows scummy stuff in it so quickly. Normally I would use Comet but I'm trying to get away from bleach. Also, is there anything preventative that I could put in the toilet tank which is natural? Like those tablets that turn the water blue but environmentally friendly. TIA!
Re: Toilet bowl help
I use Bar Keepers Friend because it has the scouring action of Comet without the bleach or phosphates. It's not 100% all-natural but much better than Comet.
I've heard of filling a water bottle with vinegar and poking a tiny hole near the top (at water level) and putting that in the fresh water tank but I have no idea if that actually works or for how long it lasts. And you'd have to figure out how to not make the bottle float......Pinterest at work again!