ccip82's CD pics got me really thinking about CDing. I mentioned it to my mom and she was skeptical at first (she was thinking about the old school cd's) but after I explained them she thought it was a great idea. DH not so much. All I said to him was "how do you feel about cloth diapers" and his response was NO NO NO! I tried to explain it and he just wouldn't even think about it! His questions were all in a defensive tone and it made me give up trying. I REALLY wanted to give them a try! One of his questions were "do you have to rinse the poop out before it goes in the washer?" and I wasn't sure. Anyone have the answer to that Q? What other facts can I tell him to help change his mind other than the obvious cost effectiveness?
Re: Dh not on board with CD :(
What were his reasons for not wanting to give it a try? Who changes the majority of the diapers?
We rinse the poo off - we have something called a mini shower that attaches to our toilet and it makes it super easy! Other arguments - it's better for the environment (disposables can take 500 years to decompose in a landfill), better for your baby (lots of chemicals in disposables like dioxin), and it costs less.
You could always do a diaper trial and if you end up not liking them, you can send it all back.
You do have to get the poop off of the diaper somehow, there are a few different ways, flushable liners (easiest), scrap it off or spray it off. It's really not that bad. I am actually doing a cloth diaper month on my blog, you can check out all the posts here:
DH wasn't super on board when we switched (just before 6 months) but it's so second nature to us now it's NBD at all. Today at the pedi we were talking to the Doc about them and DH whipped out another CD from the diaper bag to show it off even!
CDing is absolutely doable and really awesome, I highly recommend it. You can always do a trial run with them, too. Check out Jillian's Drawers, they do like 2 week or 1 month trial thing that doesn't cost you more than $20 if you end up returning everything. I didn't do it, so I'm not sure of all the logistics. Other companies do them, too.
GL getting him on board!
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17
He may just not understand how easy it is (especially if you're the one going to be doing the laundry).
My DH said no at first too when I brought the idea up before LO was born. I started building our stash before she arrived (DH reluctantly agreed since I SAH). Once we started using them he was fine. When our washer broke and we had to use sposies for 2 weeks, then he realized he LOVES the CDs.
The only thing is my DH sucks at snaps, so we have special "daddy diapers" that I leave in the drawer for him because they are velcro lol.
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
My DH was pretty ambivalent to CDs. His only issue was,"why when technology has created disposables?". Tired of trying to explain (DH is more of a visual learner) I ordered 12 CDs and some accessories without telling him from my own savings account.
When they arrived, he was interested in the design of them and admitted they were not what he expected. I showed them how easy they were to put on. The biggest test so far was when DD pooped. TMI warning...this was a peanut buttery icky poop all over the liner and diaper. I "shook off" what I could into the toilet, and rinsed the diaper and liner in our laundry room utility sink. (we do not use that sink for anything else and it's cleaned at the end of each day) Voila, all the poop was gone...very easy. DH was watching me the entire time and was impressed.
We talked about buying more CDs after we get back from our vacation (I also want to try my other CDs out to see what brand I prefer). I showed DH some CDs online and he was a little taken back by the price, but is beginning to realise its a investment and will pay off in the long run.
Good luck with whatever you decide. I would ask ladies here (they were a huge help to me) and check out the FAQs on the cloth diapering board.
sibling love
I do 2 extra loads of laundry a week, and we line dry them. I haven't seen any significant increase in our water bills. And if you spray the poo off beforehand, it's not a big deal. If you frequently deal with blowouts with disposables, there's already poo in your washer from when you wash poopy clothes and sheets!
Honestly, if you have a baby poop ends up in your washer. I mean, if your child has a blow-out, you don't throw away the clothes, right? You scrap or rinse your diapers off before they go in the wash so it's a very small amount of poop (residue), and it doesn't hurt your washer in any way. Honestly, rinsing is not that big a deal. I wash diapers three times a week and we have never noticed any change in our utility bills. That's a weak reason not to CD.
CDs will actually SAVE you a ton of money, especially if you plan to have more children. Figure out how much you spend in a month on diapers and then multiply that by the amount of time you think your child will wear diapers. Than add that same amount for any future children you plan to have. Then figure out about how much you'd spend one time on CDs. I think I spent less than $400. When I look at how much we would have spent on disposable for 4 years (assuming my second daughter will potty train around age 2 like her sister), I think we will have saved about $2500.
Before diving in full steam, I got DH to agree to do a one month "trial".
If at the end of that month, he was still all WTF weirded out about it, we could switch back to disposables.
It's been almost 2 months now and he hasn't said a word.. lol I'm not sure if CDing grew on him or if he just isn't saying anything because he knows it's what I want.
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