December 2011 Moms

So, It's Been a While...

Hi Ladies!  I hope you and your littles are all doing fantastic!

I feel like I've been away forever.  Life gets crazy and free time goes down the tubes. So during a lull at work today I ended up here.

Josephine is doing fantastic.  I am so truly blessed.  She is crawling, pulling herself up and walking while holding on to the couch... she even stood for a few seconds before falling yesterday. -- That was cool. 

She has 7 teeth... wowzers!  the bottom front teeth came in first then her 2 top not front teeth but not k-9s, eye teeth maybe?  Then one on the bottom, and now her two front teeth are making their appearance. 

I thought I'd say hello.  From what I have seen and read all of the December babies are doing fantastic and are beautiful!  Nice work ladies!!!  


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