Top of my list is that our daughter has her 3rd set of needles today. Hopefully she reacts as minimally as the other times. I am glad she'll be protected from whooping cough as there've been many cases in our province lately.
My husband has had the week off. I forgot how much more relaxed he is when he doesn't have work hanging over him.
I'm wondering if A will ever say "dada" -- I want her to say it
Re: Random thoughts. Yours?
My MIL is coming to visit next month and I want to be back to my pp weight before then. When she was here in February she asked me if I was wearing maternity pants. When I said no, she said "Well, are those just really stretchy then?" It p!ssed me off.
As soon as I get the house clean it is dirty again, and it has nothing to do with LO. It is because of DH and the dogs...and me.
Its getting harder and harder to bump and BF...
Im beginning to get really anxious for our 14+ hour flights next week...E does not like sitting still recently
sibling love
DD is now petrified of dogs. taking her to the zoo today to see some animals to hopefully help her get over the fear. hopefully that goes well
whenever i try to use the mesh feeder, she flips it over & just chews on the handle
Ohhhh.... I would have killed my MIL!!! My random thought is that IDK why the MIL/daughter in law relationship must be so hard to navigate. I am really having a hard time dealing with mine right now, and I wish that she would just be nice to my little one and me.
I am with ya on the money thing. I have been working since I was 14, and always could buy myself things that I wanted. Now that I am a SAHM, I feel like I can't buy anything, and I feel like I am DH's employee somehow. I am not used to this feeling at all.
When I stopped working (shortly before we were married) I had a fair amount of money saved up. We decided I would invest most of it (TFSAs etc) but that I'd keep a chunk for gifts. My "gift" account is growing thin. I'm not looking forward to using *our* money to buy his gifts. Maybe I could make some very good stock choices with the last of *my* cash!
DS decided to wake every 2 hours last night and refused to go back to sleep unless he nursed, it was terrible. So today I'm extra exhausted from being pregnant and being up all night!
We leave for Denver bright and early tomorrow morning and it is hitting me how much I have to do to get myself and E ready to go stay at my parents. I'm also realizing how hard it is going to be to leave him. As the trip has gotten closer, it has become more real - before I was thinking - ahh, a few nights to sleep in, hang out with old friends and not worry about E. Now that it is almost here, I'm realizing it is going to be very hard to not spend the entire time worrying or thinking about him. Thankfully he is staying with my parents/nanny, they are the only people I would want to watch him.
I took the afternoon off to get us all ready for the trip, but I think I might start my time off with a nap (or mani/pedi, can't decide).
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BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
Sending positive thoughts your way for one big beautiful heartbeat on Friday! Love the new siggy pic:) btw
sibling love
Thank you. My bloodwork from last Friday still showed my betas increasing like they should, so I guess at this point the odds are higher that it will be good news
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
Same here, mine is August 22nd and it's all I can think about. It looks like I am getting a bump but I also have a little extra pudge on my belly so I may just be imagining it. Hope all goes well for you.
Same here, mine is August 22nd and it's all I can think about. It looks like I am getting a bump but I also have a little extra pudge on my belly so I may just be imagining it. Hope all goes well for you.
Same here, mine is August 22nd and it's all I can think about. It looks like I am getting a bump but I also have a little extra pudge on my belly so I may just be imagining it. Hope all goes well for you.
I'm in a funk at work and need to find motivation.
Wish I could shower at night but instead spend every last second with DS and DH and come to work with wet hair instead. It makes me feel like I smell when I shower at night too even tho DH swears its all in my head.
Happy Anniversary! My tip for the night transition is to make sure you have a diaper and bottle/boob ready to go so as soon as you get LO in the house (where hopefully his sleeping arrangements are ready, you can change and feed with minimum awake time. It works really well any time we travel with our LOs and they usually go back down within a few minutes.
I doubt you are imagining it. I am so bloated I've stopped wearing a belt and am using my beband to hold up my pants instead because the belt hurts. This and I'm only like 6 weeks. I'm not changing my ticker until Friday when I know for sure though :P I just can't bring myself to do it until we see that heartbeat!!
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
I have serious baby fever with all the pregnant mamas on this board! I wish DH & I were in a position to try for another one now, but we have a few hurdles to get through first. I am super excited to "see" all the newborns later this year/in 2013!
I often wonder WTF is wrong with my iPhone's spelling correction. It will replace words that are clearly used/spelled correctly with uncommon words that do not make sense in the given context (for instance: suggesting "Mathis" in place of "This").
I received 2 needles and am now up to date for Mmr, tetanus, pertussis and diptheria.
Here's to hoping neither of us gets a fever.
Stats: 21 lbs and 28 inches
Thanks... good tip. I usually pump on the way up the mountain, but maybe I won't and will just nurse DS instead. Such a sacrifice that will be.
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I will keep both of you ladies in my thoughts & prayers.
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