December 2011 Moms

for those who give toast

how do you give it? do you give it dry or do something to make it softer/moister so they don't choke?

i was just eating a bagel & dd starting pulling on my arm to get my attn & then opening her mouth like she wants some. i can't give it to her but maybe will try to give her some toast  

Re: for those who give toast

  • You can do toat dry or with mashed avocado, banana, etc. we do dry toast cut into strips or cubes, and have never had a problem.

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    February 2011- M/C
    March 2011- BFP resulting in... 12/2011 bouncing baby boy! 
    October 2013- BFP- M/C
  • imagebridein08:
    You can do toat dry or with mashed avocado, banana, etc. we do dry toast cut into strips or cubes, and have never had a problem.
    when you give a strip, does LO only bite off a little bit or just kind of gnaw on it? i'm petrified of choking! is a strip just a piece cut along the lengthwise? 
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  • Sometimes I give it dry or I put a little applesauce or apple butter on it.
  • I've done dry and with guacamole on top (just mashed avocado with a little spice) and E loves it.

    I just try to give pieces big enough that he can hold onto it with his little fist and still get one end in his mouth, so maybe a piece about 2-3 inches long, not too thick.  I know BLW recommendation is to cut things into the size of a french fry, so you can use that as a guide. 

    laying down the law on Oahu's North Shore

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  • Toast. Ugh. It's the food that one of my former charges choked on. Complete block. Had to thrust back/front/back before it came up. Since that 17 years ago experience I make sure pieces are thin strips her mom had put quarter toasts on her tray and moistened with a thin spread of fruit puree.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageCountingUp:
    Toast. Ugh. It's the food that one of my former charges choked on. Complete block. Had to thrust back/front/back before it came up. Since that 17 years ago experience I make sure pieces are thin strips her mom had put quarter toasts on her tray and moistened with a thin spread of fruit puree.
    aaaaaaand, i won't be giving it to her LOL. i was worried to begin w/ but now i will wait. 
  • I'll chime in because it looks like you need a positive story. My LO loves toast. It is the one food she hasn't gagged on. She gags at least a little on most other "soft" foods.

    I cut it into strips. Usually she gets it dry, but she has had it with hummus, applesauce, and banana puree before. 

    You should read up on the difference between gagging and choking. When she gags it sounds and looks pretty scary, but usually she works it out for herself. The only thing I've had to help her with was chicken. 


    BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
  • Oh, toast is as safe as any finger food. Just be aware. We are going to start giving toast next week.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I give it to her in very small pieces and put a little jam on it. 
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