We met some friends and their LOs at our neighborhood park yesterday. While we were there a new mom, a child under 2YO, and the mom's friend arrived. They weren't seated close to us but the little girl was playing on the same play structure at the rest of our LOs. The next time I looked over I see the mom smoking. She finished her cigarette and then went over to a park bench (with boppy and cover) and breastfed her 2-3 month old baby girl. I guess I might just be a judgmental jerk but it made me feel sad for both of her kids but especially the baby. I've never smoked (other than trying it) so I admit that I don't know what its like to be addicted to nicotine. If a mother smokes, is breast milk still best for baby?
Re: this made me sad
This post inspired me to look up the subject: https://kellymom.com/bf/can-i-breastfeed/lifestyle/smoking/
Apparently breastfeeding is still best, but smokers should make sure to smoke directly after feeding, not before. And cut down as much as possible, or quit if they can.
it really bothers me to see that. my mom smoked with us growing up- not sure if she did as an infant while breastfeeding but she probably did. she said back then a lot of people even smoked while pregnant!
my sister's friend was a heavy smoker & when she was pregnant, her dr actually told her to just try to smoke only 1-2 ciggarettes per day b/c her body would go into shock from quitting completely- can you believe that!!! i don't see how by 9 months, you can't quit completely. but this friend does breastfeed & smoke now
my sister smokes & wants to get pregnant & it REALLY bothers me. she always says she will quit once she knows she is pregnant but what about the few weeks she may not know she is pregnant. i try not to be too judgey but that really upsets me. i tell her i want the best for my future niece/nephew & i try to send her reading materials too.
I know how you feel about this! My sister is a nurse but she still smokes and she's a big drinker. She just told me she's 4-5 weeks pregnant. My husband's first question to her was, "When was your last cig?" Her answer? Three days ago.
I really don't think she'll smoke while she's pregnant. At her bachlorette party last year a pregnant girl had a glass of red wine and my sister ran over to me asking if that was okay...so I think she'll be pretty careful about her own pregnancy. My concern is when the kid pops out...I don't think she'll quit forever.
I think it is so important to prepare your body for baby BEFORE you even conceive. I worry about women who say they will "quit once they are pregnant or when baby is born". If you can't commit to giving your child the best possible start before becoming pregnant or immediately after finding out then how will that child ever feel like he/she is the most important part of your life?
DH's mom told met that she smoked and drank socially while pregnant because "they didn't know it was bad for babies".
She finally admitted that it was thought that if mom smoked that baby might have trouble "catching his/her breath" but apparently this wasn't convincing enough for her to quit. She was an elementary teacher and on Fridays would meet other teachers and their spouses at a bar for a few drinks. WHAT? They live in a larger city in Michigan so its not like they were from a very small town (like my parents) so its not like they lived in an isolated environment.