December 2011 Moms

So easy, and yet so hard (STTN)

With my first LO I was all about the sleep training.  His crying never "got" to me.  He was my whole world, but when he cried at night I said under my breath "go to sleep baby, this is for your own good."  He only ever cried maybe 2 nights, but it wasn't hard.

This time around it's totally different.  This is my BABY.  I won't be having anymore, and even just the thought of sleep training was enough to make me hyperventilate.  Hearing him cry ever just crushed my heart.  Maybe because he's BF and LO1 wasn't?  Maybe because he's my youngest?  Maybe because I know I'll never have a baby again?  Maybe because he almost never cries otherwise?  I just did sleep training with him because he was waking up twice at night to nurse (and he's a fat baby).

Honestly, it was easy.  3 days of him crying for no more than 3-5 minutes when he woke up and he was right back to sleep.  But even those 3-5 minutes were like an eternity of my body aching to go to him.  Everything is like this though.  I lament every milestone he has, I just want him to be a baby forever, I soak up every single second like I can't get enough of him.  With my first I always wanted him to do more, grow up, get easier.  With this one I almost cry every night thinking of him becoming a little boy and then an adult, that someday I'll never nurse him or hold him in my arms or rock him or sing to him.  Funny how 2 experiences could be so different.

Re: So easy, and yet so hard (STTN)

  • I'm sorry this time around for you is so hard. It may be from the closeness of nursing that is harder for you. Be grateful though that it was only 3-5 minutes of crying. I know it is tough but it is for your LO's own good.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Yeah, many people who sleep train get a lot bigger struggle so at least you have that. Plus, there will still be many opportunities for cuddles in your future. 
    **Meagan** Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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