I remember having one but my mom never did anything with it, it just sat...on the shelf lol. I've seen all these cool ideas on pinterest so I will probably do a lot more with our elf on a shelf for the kids. Although, I'm pretty sure our elf is upside down behind the TV stand where he fell down last year and never got put away with the other Christmas decorations.
We haven't done it with DS and doubt we will- DH is not big in to the holidays (although that seems to be changing as the kids get older). I teach 2nd grade and know a lot of the kids in the school do it and it seems to work really well with that age group (like 4-8). It is a great idea though and the kids totally buy into it- I have kids who come in every day telling me where their elf was that morning, showing me notes from their elf.
Part of me wonders how a birthday so close to Christmas would impact the "effectiveness" of the elf, especially as she gets older. I keep imagining my daughter saying she doesn't care if she gets anything from Santa because she will get stuff for her birthday, or vice versa.
We have had one since before DS was born, because I saw it 2 or 3 years ago and fell in love with the concept! Its actually become a hilarious tradition between DH and I! We take turns putting that elf in some seriously scandalous situations! LOL I am kinda sad that it's going to need to shift in a more kid friendly direction!
"If every word I said, could make you laugh - I'd talk forever".
I really want to do it. MH had the elf growing up and I think it's fun! I may get one this year, but I won't start with the story/purpose of it until next year
Re: Elf on the shelf (Super early lol)
I remember having one but my mom never did anything with it, it just sat...on the shelf lol. I've seen all these cool ideas on pinterest so I will probably do a lot more with our elf on a shelf for the kids. Although, I'm pretty sure our elf is upside down behind the TV stand where he fell down last year and never got put away with the other Christmas decorations.
Success After Losses. I carry your
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
sibling love
we didn't do it but i would like to do it as well. they were actually already in macy's but i didn't buy it yet.
this is what it is for those who don't know
We haven't done it with DS and doubt we will- DH is not big in to the holidays (although that seems to be changing as the kids get older). I teach 2nd grade and know a lot of the kids in the school do it and it seems to work really well with that age group (like 4-8). It is a great idea though and the kids totally buy into it- I have kids who come in every day telling me where their elf was that morning, showing me notes from their elf.
Part of me wonders how a birthday so close to Christmas would impact the "effectiveness" of the elf, especially as she gets older. I keep imagining my daughter saying she doesn't care if she gets anything from Santa because she will get stuff for her birthday, or vice versa.
Lol, this.
LCT - 5.15.14 ~ 9lbs, 22.5 inches
Yes, this! Very creepy! There won't be any elf in our house.