Kinda Sucks. We aren't moving until next spring and will get a four bedroom house. Until then, our girls have to share a room. We have a pnp in our bedroom and one in a ( very clean) laundry room. We usually have to have them nap separate bc one goes to sleep right away but the other will stay up and fuss. At night, they usually fall asleep separate then we transfer the one in the pnp to her crib. They usually sttn. But, if one wakes, we have to put her in the pnp in our room, them I will go sleep with my son bc I can't sleep in the same room as baby, or we use the pnp in the laundry room. We can't put the pnp anywhere else bc the downstairs has really high ceilings and you hear everything. It would just be so much easier if they had their own rooms. They can listen to the other fuss but only for short periods of time. Is anyone else in the same situation? How did you work it out? I know I'm lucky bc they sleep great at night and one takes two 2.5 hour naps a day, but I just feel bad putting one in the pnp sometimes...and it's always the same baby ... Can't wait to move out of this house.
Re: Twins sharing room
Ours have learned to tune each other out.....they have had no other choice.
ETA: Both our old and new houses have 4 bedrooms. So we still have 2 extra bedrooms. The benefit now is that they talk to each other and keep each other company while awake. We will split them eventually but only when forced. We just got through the "tough times" and worked through it.
Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013
Make a pregnancy ticker
What are the positives? I'm going to research this a bit now.
Pits comforting though that so many of you have chosen this and/or like it.
this is us too
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017
I cannot imagine ever separating my girls. My sister and I shared a room and my twin sisters shared a room. It's almost like a right to passage. Sharing a room means having someone to play giant or smell my feet when your supposed to be asleep. It means having someone to tell your secrets to or bug the crap out of you when your trying to sleep. It teaches you how to share, how to tolerate someone in your space. It prepares you for dorm life and roommates. Most of all it gives you the gift having someone who knows you and your dirty socks under your bed.
Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.
my blog
What it's like to cloth diaper twins, Part I.
Cloth diapering twins, Part II.
So far they seem to sleep through each others noises, but if one is flat out crying we will usually get them. We haven't sleep trained or CIO or what have you.
We live in a very small 1950's house, and won't likely be moving until they start school, so they will be sharing for quite a while.
I think I got my own room when I was 12. Otherwise I shared with my brother who was 5 years younger than me. My H shared a room (and a bed) with his brother when he was really little. Once ours get out of toddler bed and if we are in the same house, we might do the same. Two twin beds won't fit in their room.
Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d
this ... our girls wake up at 7am but will chill in their cribs in their room and entetain each other for an HOUR if not more... one is a cryer and one is not and it does not seem to bother here very rarely do they wake eachother up
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