Cloth Diapering

Allen's laundry soap

I've been cloth diapering for 2 months now and I noticed my diapers getting a little funky. They smelled like...wet cloth? If that makes any sense...haha. I peeked in the washer today while running the second rinse and holy suds batman!  It looked like I put detergent in there!  I ran 5 full hot washes before it didn't sud up any more. I'm going to go out on a limb here and ask a really stupid question. But did I strip them by running the wash without detergent or do I need to do more? They actually felt different and didn't smell like anything when I pulled them from the washer. That should be how it is every time right?  No smell and squeaky clean feeling? I feel stupid for not knowing the difference...

I always thought my diapers were clean, but I was seriously wrong. Part of me wants to switch detergents too since I had so much built up. I only used 1 tbs per load.  I have well water with a water softener. Any suggestions?

Re: Allen's laundry soap

  • I dunno about the stripping (we've been CDing for 11months, and I'm still not clear on this) but we have been using one capful of Allens, with no problem and no smell. Except for the time we were at my sister's house, and her rinse cycle wasn't draining properly, so the diaps were sitting around in the water a lot.  Is that a possibility?  Also, are you washing other clothes in the same washer with a different detergent, and if so, is it possible that's what's causing the buildup?
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