December 2011 Moms

Long night...vent

Last night was rough...E kept waking up every two hours from 11pm until 4 am. I do not know what to do at this point nor what is causing it. I tried letting her CIO, but that is not working. The past few nights have been particularly bad- I nurse her back to sleep but the second I lay her back own in her crib, she wakes up crying hysterically. 

To top it off, when I I finally fell back asleep after being up from around 1-4am, I was awoken by Max having a seizure (he gets them a couple times a year) This was a particularly bad one, he peed and vomited on our bed...thank god for waterproof mattress protectors...

I then had to get DH up (he slept though Max's seizure) clean up the vomit, strip the bed, start laundry, and remake the bed with clean sheets...I finally was able to get a couple hours of sleep from about 5-8 this morning, but I am beat...



sibling love  

Re: Long night...vent

  • Oh man, we had a night just like that recently. Crying baby, barfing dog...the works. Isn't it amazing what men can sleep through? I made DH clean up the dog barf. I hope Max is feeling better!

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  • Oh no, that sounds really rough!  I really hope things get better quickly.  DS was waking several times a night crying last week (to the point I finally gave in and slept upstairs in the spare bedroom so DH didn't wake up every time).  This week he's much better.  Not sure what was going on, I never figured it out!

    Also, hope Max is okay.  Those seizures sound scary!

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  • Thanks kwinkle. It amazes me what DH can sleep through If DH didn't have to get up for work, I totally would have made him clean it! Max is feeling better today, he bounces back pretty quickly from the seizures. It is something he has had since he was a puppy. Right now, he's resting on the couch with me and I am giving him extra snuggles while E is napping.



    sibling love  

  • So sorry. It stinks when you think your in the clear to go back to sleep and then something happens or the baby wakes up. Last nights was DH's night to get up with E. He has been sleeping through the night most nights but has been getting up again once a night for the past few weeks. I am not sure if it is his tooth that is coming in or maybe a growth spurt? (I never realized that it took so long for a tooth to come through completely). Last night he went to bed at 8:15 and then woke up at 12:00. DH fed him, he fell back asleep quickly and he put him down. As soon as he put him down he woke up screaming. I tried and he did the same thing to me several times over the next hour. We finally ended up putting him in the bed with us so we could all get some rest. Hope tomorrow night is better for you!

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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • We were right there with you last night. We kept waking each other up every hour. We got a few hours of solid sleep when she was in bed with me from 6-9am.

    I think her problem last night was that daddy is away. That and hunger.

    No advice at all.

    "No cry" has been working for us. It has been a lot of work and we still have the odd very bad night but overall she's getting the hang of putting herself back to sleep.

    Is E in your room or her own?


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  • imagecas7699:

    Oh no, that sounds really rough!  I really hope things get better quickly.  DS was waking several times a night crying last week (to the point I finally gave in and slept upstairs in the spare bedroom so DH didn't wake up every time).  This week he's much better.  Not sure what was going on, I never figured it out!

    Also, hope Max is okay.  Those seizures sound scary!

    Thank you, Im glad DS is sleeping better for you  :) hopefully, this is just a phase for E too! 



    sibling love  

  • You poor thing!  It's bad enough we have to be up with baby throughout the night, but worse that you have to take care of dog stuff too.  I hope you get a better night sleep tonight.  Maybe E will out grow her wakefulness soon.
  • Hope the sleep situation gets better for you.  Glad your pup is feeling better too!
  • Thank you all so much! 

    Counting up- she sleeps in her nursery which is literally right across the hall from our room.  



    sibling love  

  • Ugh :( I'm sorry you had such a rough night! Here's hoping you get some rest today and that tonight's a better night!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yikes that is a really rough night!!! Hope you get some rest today & tonight!

    IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"
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  • imageccip82:

    Thank you all so much! 

    Counting up- she sleeps in her nursery which is literally right across the hall from our room.  

    I just wondered if you were waking her up like I was waking A up. I was cold at 3:30 but suspected that moving the comforter up would wake her. I was right.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageCountingUp:

    Thank you all so much! 

    Counting up- she sleeps in her nursery which is literally right across the hall from our room.  

    I just wondered if you were waking her up like I was waking A up. I was cold at 3:30 but suspected that moving the comforter up would wake her. I was right.

    Ughhh...I know what that is like. Although she is not in our room, the rooms are really small and close together (bedrooms are in a 3rd floor converted loft). We had to take off Max's dog collar at night because that noise was waking E up...



    sibling love  

  • I am so sorry your night sucked so bad. Glad that Max is doing ok, doggie seizures are so scary!  

    Misery loves company. It's a little comforting to know that I wasn't the only one having a crappy night. It took me 2 hours to realize that my headache was in fact a migraine (I haven't had one in a couple years!). Usually I'd take advil and drink a soda, but I can't have advil and the soda was making me twice as nauseas. DH is on nights and got me off the couch when he got home at like 1:30. I couldn't ask him to get up with LO. She was up a few times between then and being up for the day at 5am. I broke down and cried this morning and she was so sweet, crawled over to me and just let me hold her.  

    BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
  • Ugh.  I am so sorry for you.  :(

    We had a rough night Saturday night.  DS slept a good long stretch, and then just kept waking up. It was so out of character for him, and he was just as frustrated because it seemed as if he wanted to sleep.  He usually wakes once, maybe twice for eating, and even then he's just kind of whining, not full on crying.  But that night, he was full on SCREAMING with every wake up.  So I finally determined it must be those upper two teeth of his and I gave him some Tylenol.  That seemed to do the trick and he slept until 10am (sleeping that late is also out of character), because I think he was just so tired from waking up all morning and crying from the pain.  Then he took THREE long naps the next day.

    I guess if something seems out of character, especially for my DS, then it's probably because he's in pain and I just give him some medicine. 


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